Training for blended working

Supporting colleagues with the transition to blended working is a key priority for LSE. In order to help colleagues feel empowered and ready, our Organisational Learning team have developed a dedicated blended working training programme for you to take in your own time.

If you're a manager, we encourage you to take the training below to support your teams with uncertainty, performance, and more.

Blended Working Development Programme

The Blended Working Development Programme is designed to help Professional Services line managers to tailor the new blended way of working to the needs of the individual, team, department or service area. This programme provides line managers with guidance, practical training, key tips and ideas for enabling effective blended working across the School.

  • Module 1: Understanding Blended Working (all staff) -  aims to help all staff eligible to work in a blended way to understand what is and what is not a blended approach to working at LSE. It helps staff to reflect on and plan their work activities to effectively work in a blended way.

    Register for the Module 1: Understanding Blended Working training here.
  • Module 2: Managing Self (for managers) - introduces managers to the concept of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) and iterative change, providing hints and tips on how to continuously evolve and manage self in a continuously changing environment. 

    Register for the Module 2: Managing Self interactive workshop here.
  • Module 3: Managing Individuals (for managers) - Designed for managers, our new module  "Managing Individuals"  aims to help managers set outcome-based objectives and have really effective performance conversations with their teams. Managers will explore how to communicate clearly, how to give feedback and the art of listening and showing empathy.

    Register for Module 3: Managing Individuals training here.
  • Module 4: Managing Teams (for managers) - This is the final part of the essential modules that form the Blended Working Development Programme, which has been developed to support and empower colleagues with the transition to blended working. This fourth module is for line managers and focuses on understanding team dynamics and communication when working in a blended way. The module also provides line managers with the tools for maximising inclusion and creating an environment where everyone is collaborating & participating in a blended way. As with the rest of the programme, the module consists of a combination of reading, videos, exercises, self-assessments and a workshop.

    Register for Module 4: Managing Teams training here.

Training for Managers

The role of the line manager will be key to establishing these new ways of working and ensuring that they work in practice. In particular, managers will need to lead iterative change and be responsible for effective communication and inclusive team working within blended teams.

Managers are encouraged to attend the training below:

Training for all LSE staff

It's crucial that all staff who are returning to campus and plan to work in a blended way attend the following training courses, designed to introduce you to Future Ways of Working: