Implementing the School's Health and Safety Policy

This section describes the arrangements for ensuring that the School's aims and objectives for securing a safe and healthy working environment, as set out in the Safety policy (PDF), are achieved.

These arrangements cover common occupational health and safety issues. It is not an exhaustive list. We will review, amend and add to it as required. In addition to these arrangements, departments or services whose activities may give rise to specific risks will produce their own arrangements for managing these risks.


The Health and Safety Executive has useful guidance for working from home.

Accident reporting procedures

All accidents, incidents and work-related ill-health must be recorded on the School's Accident/Dangerous Occurrence Form and emailed immediately to Health and Safety Team (please do NOT send them in the internal post). These include:

  • Accidents to staff, including minor injuries on the School's premises, or in connection with work activities
  • Accidents on School premises involving third parties, e.g. students, visitors, guests in Halls of Residence, contractors and other non-employees
  • Incidents where no one is injured but there was a potential for injury
  • Physical assaults or verbal abuse of LSE employees in the course of their work
  • Dangerous occurrences such as electrical incidents causing explosion or fire, gas leaks or explosions, chemical spillages, damage to asbestos materials resulting in any person being exposed to asbestos fibres, failure or collapse of lifting equipment such as hoists
  • Work-related ill-health such as dermatitis from exposure to known skins sensitisers or irritants, occupational asthma, tendonitis or tenosynovitis in the hand or forearm from physically demanding and repetitive work. 

If you are in any doubt about what should be reported, please email

Consulting on health and safety issues

The School is required to have arrangements for consulting with its employees on health  and safety. The School discharges this duty mainly through the operation of the Safety Management Board.

Trade union-appointed safety representatives

Every Trade Unions recognised by the School has appointed a Trade Union Safety Representative to represent all staff (not only members of the Unions). The current Trade Union Safety Representatives, who attend the Safety Management Board, are:

UNISON    Alison Cummerson

UNITE       Jon Taylor

UCU          Jo Taplin-Green

A protocol was agreed in September 2014 on consultation on health and safety matters.

Trade union-appointed safety representatives are entitled to undertake a wide range of functions under the legislation including:

  • carrying out inspections of the work place;
  • investigating accidents/ incidents and complaints from their members regarding any health, safety or welfare matter;
  • receiving copies of reports from the Health and Safety Executive;
  • receiving any information relating to safety of equipment, plant, substances or work methods;
  • inspecting safety documents, registers and certificates; and
  • attending safety committees.

On a local level, line managers will also consult employees on local matters affecting their health and safety via any safety representatives where these have been appointed by the appropriate trade unions. Details of what they should consult on is included in the protocol.

Fieldwork and off site activities

For information please visit the Fieldwork, Overseas Travel and Off Site Activities page. 



For information relating to fire safety at LSE please see the Estates Division Fire Safety webpage

First aid

First Aid

Defibrillators (AED) on campus

There are 8 automated external defibrillators (AED) on campus. A defibrillator is used in circumstances where a person’s heart goes into ventricular fibrillation (VF) which is a disruption to the heart’s electrical activity causing the heart to beat chaotically preventing it from pumping blood around the body. A person in VF can suddenly collapse and lose consciousness. A defibrillator is used to deliver an electric shock to restore the heart to normal rhythm.

The defibrillator units are located in the following areas:

1. Old Building – Security store next to reception counter

2. CKK (previously NAB) – store behind Security reception (LIF side)

3. Library – behind main reception counter ground floor (in security cabinet)

4. Pankhurst House (previously called Tower 1) – Security reception – (in cupboard behind reception desk)

5. Saw Swee Hock Building – Student Union Gym

6. SAL (previously 32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields) – Security reception 

7. Centre Building - Security reception

8. Marshall Building - Security reception

You do not need to be a trained first-aider or a medical professional to use the AED. The device uses voice prompts and visual indicators to guide the assistor through the resuscitation sequence that may include both defibrillation and CPR.

Other first-aid provision

The School has a duty as an employer to assess its requirements for first aid, and ensure that there is adequate provision to meet those requirements.

The School aims to maintain a ratio of one qualified first-aider (qualifiied as a minimum to the Emergency First Aid level) for every 50 employees during core times. The security team will have at least one qualified first-aider on duty for every shift, who can be summoned by dialling 666. Safety coordinators should record the names of the first-aiders for their building in their department's Local Policy Statement. As a minimum each department should have access to an appointed person at all times. A sufficient number of persons will be nominated to ensure that there is cover for leave, sickness and other absences.

In the event of an injury or ill health, the first-aider in the building or nearby buildings should be summoned in the first instance. If these first-aiders are not available, the security team should be contacted.

Residences and Catering Services Division make separate provision for first aid in the Halls. The names of qualified first-aiders in the Halls and their contact details will be posted in each residence. 

Line managers and supervisors should cooperate with the School's First Aid arrangements by assisting in the recruitment of First Aid volunteers and releasing staff to attend training and perform their duties as first-aiders.

The Health and Safety Team arrange training in Emergency First Aid.

Safety coordinators will ensure that their department has a sufficiently stocked first-aid box. They or another nominated person should be tasked with ensuring that the contents of the first-aid boxes are replenished as and when necessary.

A notice should be posted in a prominent position giving details of the name and location of first-aiders and / or appointed persons along with the location of the first-aid box.

What should a first-aid box contain?

It depends on how many people the first-aid box serves but as a  minimum the first-aid box must contain:

  • leaflet (PDF) giving general guidance on first aid 

  • 20 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings (plasters) in assorted sizes

  • 2 sterile eye pads

  • 4 individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably sterile)

  • 6 safety pins

  • 6 medium-sized (approximately 12cm x 12cm) individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound dressings

  • 2 large (approximately 18cm x 18cm) sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings

  • 1 pair of disposable gloves

  • 1 resuscitation face shield

(First-aid boxes can also contain additional items such as scissors, adhesive tape, disposable aprons and individually wrapped moist wipes.)

First-aid boxes used in catering kitchens and areas preparing food must contain blue plasters. First-aid kits for catering kitchens may also contain burn dressings and cool packs.

If mains tap-water is not readily available for eye irrigation, sealed disposable containers of sterile water or sterile normal saline can be kept in the first-aid box.  But these should not be used once the seal is broken or beyond their  expiry date.

The first-aid box should not contain any medication, tablets, creams or ointment. 

Lone working

Line managers must ensure that there are arrangements in place to address any health and safety issue arising from employees undertaking 'lone working'. In this context 'lone working' means someone working on their own without access to immediate support from colleagues and/ or supervisors and could include staff working from home.

Line managers should identify which members of their staff are required to work on their own for the whole or part of their working time.

As part of the risk assessment of any given work activity, line managers must consider whether 'lone working' increases or creates additional risks.

Arrangements for lone working should include, where applicable, means of monitoring and communicating with the lone-working employee, both routinely and in emergencies, e.g. a system of logging in and regular checking on the condition of lone workers, especially those who are required to work outside normal hours. They should also include arrangements for dealing with emergencies, e.g. how the lone worker raises the alarm and summons assistance.

Staff working on their own in their offices on campus 'out of hours', i.e. after 7pm on weekdays or any time at weekends, should inform security staff on the main reception desk, so that security are aware of their location in the event of an emergency (staff working out of hours in buildings not managed by the LSE should inform the staff on the reception desk of those buildings).

Staff who conduct Fieldwork should refer to the USHA and UCEA guidance on safety in fieldwork in the UK and overseas (PDF).

Risk assessments

For information please visit the Risk Assessments page. 

Workstation Safety and Assessments

Workstation Assessments

Why do I need to complete a workstation assessment?

It is important that workstations are set up and used correctly in order to prevent repetitive strain and other injuries associated with using computers, laptops etc for work. To help staff set up and use their workstations to prevent injuries, the School strongly encourages all staff who use computers for a significant part of their work to complete a workstation assessment. This is done using online software called ErgoPro There are assessments for the office and home.

I work in a blended way, do I need to complete a workstation assessment?

You should complete separate workstation assessments for working in the office and for working at home.  We need to make sure that staff who use PCs, laptops or mobile devices for a significant part of their role are safe and not at risk of injury or harm regardless of where they work.  This is also a legal requirement.

How do I log on to ErgoPro?

A link to our online assessment software, ErgoPro is sent annually to all permanent staff whose roles require them to use computers for a significant amount of time. Links are unique to the individual and cannot be shared.  If you are a new member of staff your manager should inform the Health and Safety Team of your appointment and you will be sent a link.

I previously completed an assessment, I was OK, but I now have some issues: what should I do?

You should re-do your workstation assessment. If you have forgotten your password or have difficulties resetting the password online, you can contact

What happens after I’ve completed the online assessment?

If your assessment identifies any issues, you will be sent guidance and information from the system that will help you to work more comfortably.

If the assessment identifies you as being at high risk of injury, you will also be invited for a face to face assessment with our external ergonomic assessor. These are usually in person for campus and via Teams for home assessments.

What happens if I have a face to face assessment?

The assessor will discuss your issues and may make immediate recommendations which will help you. These are often recommendations to reposition equipment or to take frequent breaks and move around more. For office workstations the assessor may recommend furniture or equipment from an agreed list to alleviate more serious issues. The School will no longer provide furniture for home use.  The only equipment that will be supplied are laptop stands and ergonomic mice and keyboards.

I have significant problems, why do I have to complete an online assessment first?

The assessor uses the information you provide in the online assessment to focus on your most significant problems.

Is there anything else I should know?

Staff with more complicated issues or disabilities may be referred to HR who have access to specialist assessments via the Access to Work scheme.

Violence at work

The School is a safe environment where physical assaults on staff are extremely rare. Any abuse, even at a low level, is disturbing and should not be tolerated. It is essential that incidents are recorded so that the School can establish the extent of the problem and enable managers to undertaken risk assessments to identify measures to avoid or prevent any reoccurrence.

If you are a member of staff who has been physically assaulted or subjected to verbal abuse in circumstances relating to your work, you should notify your manager and report it online.

Additionally, because some instances of violence at work must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, a report should be sent to the LSE Health and Safety Team.


Violence at work

The Health and Safety Executive's definition of violence at work is "Incidents where a person is abused, threaten or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work".

Physical assault

Examples of physical assault include but are not limited to:

  • being struck with or without a weapon,
  • pushed or shoved,
  • being restrained,
  • clothing pulled, tugged or torn,
  • being spat at,
  • threaten with a weapon.

Verbal abuse

Although defining verbal abuse is less straight forward, any incident which causes you to feel threatened, intimidated or anxious should be recorded on the School's violence at work incident report form. Your perception of the incident should be paramount: you should not have to accept verbal abuse as being "part of the job".

Guidance for managers

  1. The HSE recommend that employers should keep records of all incidents of violence at work as defined above, i.e. including verbal abuse and threats. This is because of the potential adverse effect on the health and well-being of an employee subject to verbal abuse. Recording incidents of verbal abuse, often referred to as "low level" violence can indicate situations which could escalate and result in a physical assault. 
  2. If one of your staff informs you that they have been assaulted or subject to verbal abuse, you must record the incident on a violence at work form. A copy of the completed form should be retained for your records and the completed form should be sent to the Health and Safety Team in ALD 3.01. In circumstances where there may be issues with security arrangements the Health and Safety team will liaise with the Head of Security. 
  3. If one of your staff is absence from work or unable to fulfil their normal duties for more than 7 days as a result of a physical assault relating to their work, you must notify the Health and Safety Team so that a notification can be made to the Health and Safety Executive under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 
  4. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require employers to undertake risk assessments of their work activities to identify circumstances which could lead to harm (including exposure to violence as defined by the HSE) and take appropriate steps to control these risks. 
  5. All reported incidents of verbal abuse or physical assault should be investigated by the manager of the employee who has been abused or assaulted. Incidents of physical assault resulting in injuries necessitating first-aid or medical treatment must be reported immediately to Security by telephoning 666. Investigations should be undertaken with the aim of identifying measures to prevent a reoccurrence. The investigation should be proportionate to the circumstances.

The sort of issues to be considered include:

  • Physical location or layout of the working area, e.g. low or narrow counter which allows a potential perpetrator easy access to staff; location of panic buttons.
  • Unclear or inadequate or lack of queuing control systems, which causes people to be frustrated if they feel that others are "jumping" the queue and being seen before them.
  • Lack of clear signage, guidance or information on services provided so that people have unrealistic expectations.
  • Lone working - staff working on their own in offices after hours or at weekends. Staff should make sure that Security are aware of their location in these circumstances and know how to raise the alarm and summon help if required.
  • Arrangements for handling and carrying cash, which could place employees at risk of injury during an attempted robbery.
  • Precautions put in place when interviewing potentially 'violent' persons, such as not interviewing them on their own or ensuring assistance is immediately available.
  • Have staff received training on recognising potential aggressive behaviour and defusing aggression?
  • Do records of previous incidents indicate any pattern e.g. days or times when abuse or physical assaults are more likely?

Where appropriate, consult the victim and any Trade Union or employee health and safety representative on measures to prevent a reoccurrence.

Incidents where an employee is assaulted by a student

Where it is alleged that the perpetrator of verbal abuse or physical assault is an LSE student, a copy of the incident report form should be sent to the School Secretary who will consider whether action should to be taken against the perpetrator under the Disciplinary Regulations for Students.