Law and advice

LSE is generally a low risk environment. These pages give information on measures we are taking to ensure the health, safety and welfare of everyone who works, studies or visits the premises or may be affected by the activities of the School.

Health and safety impacts upon everything we do at the School, from the premises and equipment we use (e.g. fire safety) to the way we work and study (e.g. using computers, conducting fieldwork). Everyone, whether student, staff or visitor, has a role in ensuring that the School remains a safe environment.

Our safety policy (PDF) sets out the School's aims and objectives with regard to safety, and the responsibilities of individuals at all levels for health and safety. The Arrangements web pages identify the arrangements and procedures for implementing the policy. These are continually reviewed, updated and expanded.

Health and Safety advice

The School employs a small Health and Safety Team to provide professional health and safety advice, and support to managers and supervisors fulfil their health and safety responsibilities.  It is based in the Lionel Robbins Building (LRB5.01)

Mel Boucher is the Head of Health and Safety. Lisa von Schlippe is the Health and Safety Adviser. They can all be contacted by emailing

If you have problems finding the information you need, wish to see further information, or have a question, please email:

Health and Safety law

The Health and Safety Executive has produced a leaflet (PDF) outlining in general terms what employers must do for your health and safety at work, and what you must do.

Medical advice

The Health and Safety team are not medically qualified, and cannot give medical advice. Information on accessing medical services in the UK can be found on the Student Support pages under Healthcare.