Global research fund recipients

Collaborating on AI and human behaviour 


GRFBerlinGroup 747 420From left to right: Michael Muthukrishna, Levin Brinkmann, and Iyad Rahwan.

Dr Michael Muthukrishna, one of the department of Psychological and Behavioural Science's faculty members spent part of the summer in Berlin to work on a joint project with Iyad Rahwan, the director of the Max Planck Center for Humans and Machines.

The Center for Humans and Machines conducts interdisciplinary science, to understand, anticipate, and shape major disruptions from digital media and Artificial Intelligence to the way we think, learn, work, play, cooperate and govern. Researchers affiliated with the centre aim to understand how machines are shaping human society today and how they may continue to shape it in the future.

GRF Berlin Seminar 747 420This visit intended to kickstart a long-term collaboration and to provide time to work on a joint grant proposal. It also gave Dr Muthukrishna opportunities to share his reseach and to exchange with other experts and local researchers.

If you are working on an international project and want to discuss how we can support you, contact our Global Research Partnerships and Alliances Manager Dr Mengxi Pang and watch this space for the next call for applicants in 2024