Education Strategy 2015-2020

LSE’s Education Strategy 2015-2020 details how the School will develop and realise its educational ambitions, alongside its continuing commitment to research. It is designed to deepen LSE’s educational tradition and enchance the experiences of taught students during their time at the School and after they graduate.

Reflecting the fact that achieving Education Strategy objectives is a collective effort, there are two separate but related streams of work. First, academic departments are producing annual departmental education strategies (DES) that outline planned activity and innovations across courses and programmes. These DES are discussed with the Pro-Director Education before being developed within departments and are then included in Annual Monitoring submissions, enabling the School Management Committee to monitor educational enhancement both within and across departments and usefully informing discussions and decisions at Academic Planning and Resources Committee. Information on Sharepoint, maintained by the Educational Strategy Unit, includes DES guidance, templates and further information.

Second, LSE’s professional services are undertaking a range of activity – some relating to policies and processes, others to enhanced opportunities for student and staff development, others to the reward, recognition and promotion of education – in support of DES and Education Strategy objectives. For more information, please contact the Educational Strategy Unit at

To read more about the background to and progress of LSE Education Strategy 2015-2020, follow these links:

LSE's major investment in education explained: Paul Kelly talks about how the £11 million investment that accompanied the launch of the Education Strategy will be spent (posted on The Education Blog, 11th February 2016)

An LSE education: Paul Kelly outlines key activity and successes from the Education Strategy's 'set-up year' of 2015/16 (posted on The LSE Blog, 9th August 2016)

Education at LSE: Lent Term update: an update on Education Strategy activity one term into its first full year of implementation (posted in Staff News, 26th January 2017)

Pro-Director Education Vision Fund- winning proposals 2016/17: details of the inaugural winners of the Vision Fund, launched to support projects that aim to provide lasting and significant impact on students' education (posted on The Education Blog, 28th February 2017)

Pro-Director Education Paul Kelly on the progress of LSE's Education Strategy this term: an end-of-Lent-Term update from Paul Kelly (posted on The Education Blog, 6th April 2017)

LSE Education Awards 2016/17: what is 'excellent teaching'?: details of the nomination reasons for winners of Education Awards in 2016/17 (posted on The Education Blog, 15th November 2017)

Pro-Director Education Vision Fund- winning proposals 2017/18: details of the winners of the Vision Fund in 2017/18 (posted on The Education Blog, 6th December 2017)