How you can make a difference

Help build a learning community that’s vibrant, equitable and truly inclusive

Get involved with Putting Students 1st and you’ll have the opportunity to help build a community at LSE that’s vibrant, equitable and truly inclusive.

Improving the student experience remains a priority for LSE and we are on track with our ambitious plans, in large part due to the hard work of staff.

We can all be more mindful of the student experience at LSE, even if we don’t have student-facing roles. In Michaelmas Term we asked all staff to share their ideas for how LSE could improve, and several of these initiatives are now in progress:

  • Moving the January exam period
  • Creating and scoping more student spaces to study and relax
  • Improving existing facilities by increasing the number of microwaves and water fountains on campus
  • Providing printing credit for students
  • Better promotion of free mindfulness sessions and resources available to students, especially during the exam period.  

Staff across LSE are involved in implementing these activities, but we need continuing input and expertise from all colleagues to improve further. Discover how you can get involved in School projects on these webpages and continue to share your ideas for change through the Comments, Compliments and Concerns process.

If you are working on a project that is positively impacting students, please contact the Internal Communications team so that we can share your activities with the LSE community.