Module 1: Religious Imaginations in Today's World

Beecken Faith and Leadership

Applications for the 2023-24 course are now open! Click here to apply online

Module 1: Religious Imaginations in Today's World

Religion is often a contentious topic, bound up with personal experience, both positive and negative, and with the contested histories of peoples, societies, and institutions. We can, therefore, shy away from discussing it, even in the classroom. But a knowledge of world religions is essential to understanding today’s world.

It is being harnessed by populists and nationalists into major political forces. But it is also empowering activists and inspiring new forms of engagement with the challenges of our times.

Through this module you will learn from expert panels of eminent faith contributors and develop skills for navigating religious plurality on campus and beyond, through participatory workshops. .

By participating in this module, you will:

  • Gain knowledge of the fundamental imaginative foundations of different religious traditions and the concepts that motivate and structure religious thinking today
  • Gain understanding of the critical role faith groups and individuals of faith play in modern society
  • Develop the skills of dialogue across difference, critical decision making and polarity thinking
  • Learn from and connect with students from different faith and belief backgrounds in an inclusive, non-assessed educational space

Session 1: October 16th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm


A comprehensive introduction to the programme, its ethos and expectations, and an introduction to the concept of religious imaginations.

Session 2: October 23th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

What is Truth?

An interactive panel discussion with eminent experts from different religions speaking from their own experience and reflecting on each others’ perspectives. 

Session 3: November 6th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

What is Justice?

An interactive panel discussion with eminent experts from different religions speaking from their own experience and reflecting on each others’ perspectives.

Session 4: November 13th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

What is the Good Life?

An interactive panel discussion with eminent experts from different religions speaking from their own experience and reflecting on each others’ perspectives.

Session 5: November 20th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

How can religion influence a fairer economic system? 

A critical discussion of the role that faith groups and individuals of faith play in philanthropy, with an interactive panel discussion with philanthropists and charity leaders about the critical role faith in society.

Session 6: November 27th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

How should the Government engage with faith communities?

A critical discussion of the role that faith groups and individuals of faith play in the multi-lateral and political spheres, with an interactive panel discussion of policy-makers and politicians about the critical role of faith in society.

Session 7: December 2nd, 11:00am to 2:00pm 

Exploring tools for leadership across difference

Session Summary:

This half-day session will explore and experiment with tools for critical decision making in complex situations.

The programme is open to all current LSE students, of all faiths and none.

To join fill in this application. The deadline is Monday 9th October 2023.


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