New: The LSE Community Space

Welcome to a new campus space for staff and students

It is designed... [to] hold gatherings, events, discussions and to host initiatives that promote inclusivity and intersectionality

What is the Community Space for?

This space has been established to cultivate an environment of inclusivity, understanding, and collaboration for individuals representing various protected characteristic groups. It is designed for staff and students to, for example, hold informal gatherings, events, discussions and to host initiatives that promote inclusivity and intersectionality; and foster and grow relationships with each other.

The inside of the Community Space, showing a spacious room with comfortable colourful furniture and gentle spotlight lighting

A close-up of the furniture in the Community Space, next to the windows

A closer look at the Community Space and the seating available. Small tables are shown, surrounded by blue and grey chairs. Next to these is a blue and grey modern sofa, and extra plastic chairs are stacked up next to this.

Where is it?

You can find the new space on the 3rd floor of the Saw Swee Hock Building. 


The room number is SAW 3.02; and the entrance looks like this:

Picture showing the entrance door to the Community Space

Do I need to book the space? 

If you are organising an event or meeting with others at a set time and activity it is recommended that you book the space for that time. However, otherwise the space is free to be used whenever needed - you can just walk in.

For events or meetings organised by a student society, please request to book the room via the LSESU form. Students that aren't part of a society may also use this form; but requests will be approved at the discretion of SU Staff.

For staff events, please request to book this space on Resource Booker: check the room availability and book the space here.

Please book the space at least 5 working days in advance, to ensure that your booking request is approved in time for your event.

Note that the capacity of the space is 33 people.

Guidelines and Code of Conduct

To ensure the well-being and comfort of all visitors, and to make this space a true reflection of our dedication to fostering inclusivity, we kindly request that everyone adheres to the Guidelines and Code of Conduct when using the space.

Holding ourselves accountable is essential for upholding the space's respectful atmosphere. Therefore, repeated breaches of these guidelines may result in temporary suspension of privileges within the Community Space. 


When organising your event in the space, remember to consider how to make the event accessible to people with disabilities. The Community Space has features to ensure accessibility such as:

  • Lighting that can be dimmed, and adjustable window shutters
  • A portable 85-inch AV screen for large format presentations
  • Seating and tables of different heights and styles
  • Access to the room from a lift with accessible buttoning and announcements
  • Large emergency signage
  • Sound/acoustic control measures
  • Hearing Loop available on request from

Previous events held in the Community Space

To celebrate the opening of this new space in November 2023, we hosted an event every day of the week of its launch. These events are illustrative of the types of gatherings that can be held in the new space:

LGBTQ+ Games Night social  – Monday 6 November 16.30 - 17.30

Join staff network Spectrum, Hannah (LSESU LGBTQ+ Officer) and the LGBTQ+ Society

We look forward to seeing you for an fun evening of playing card and board games!

BAME Cultural Group Mixer  – Tuesday 7 November, 16.30 - 17.30

Join staff network EmbRace and LSESU cultural societies

Come along to connect with your fellow students and staff of different cultures. Dress in your cultural clothes and bring along your cultural snacks!

Wind down Wednesday – Wednesday 8 November, 14.30 - 15.30

Join staff network DAWN, Archie (LSESU Neurodiversity and Disability Officer) and DWS

Come along for a sensory session of slime making and clay activities, in an accessible low-arousal sensory environment.

Note that there is no pressure to actively socialise with other students and staff: you are welcome to come along to engage in parallel play if you are more comfortable with this.

If you have specific accessibility requirements, or any queries, please contact

'Semesta (Islands of Faith)' movie screening  - Thursday 9 November, 16.30 - 18.00

Join the LSE Faith Centre and LSESU faith societies

Come along to watch a screening of the film 'Semesta (Islands of Faith)'.

The documentary shows how local leaders are leading voices of environment protection through the perspectives of different religions and beliefs. It uses the voices of seven communities taking a stance and making a change in seven provinces across Indonesia; featuring the human side of conservation efforts while simultaneously highlighting the diversity of religions, beliefs, and cultures across the nation.

Semesta, the Indonesian word for “Universe”, connects the real and immediate impacts of climate change to the everyday life of Indonesians across the country and shows the actions that communities are already engaged in to conserve the environment. 

Tote Bag Decoration social  – Friday 10 November, 13.00 - 14.30

Join staff network LSE Power, Tito (LSESU Women's Officer) and LSESU women's societies

A chance to get to know your fellow students and colleagues whilst personalising your own feminism-themed tote bag; taking inspiration not only from the general feminist sphere, but from our very own feminists recorded in the LSE Archives!