Health & Safety and Fire Safety for blended working

Your safety is our key priority at LSE. Now that we’re working in a blended working way, it’s important to understand how to look after yourself and others.

Take some time to read and understand the information on this page, as there have been some changes to previous Health & Safety guidance. We all have a role in ensuring that our School's fire precautions and arrangements work effectively. If you have any questions, you can contact the teams below.

Fire Safety Actions

Always remember that in case of emergency or fire, everyone should be able to self-evacuate immediately, without waiting for further instructions.

To do this, please familiarise yourself with the nearest fire exits and where the fire alarms are located where you are working.

  • If you discover a fire, immediately activate the fire alarm at the nearest call point allocated to you
  • Leave the building by the stairs (do not use the lifts), using the nearest exit to ensure everyone can leave safely and quickly and avoid bottlenecks
  • Close fire doors in the area, if safe to do so
  • Once outside, walk towards your allocated Fire Assembly Point, and do not return until instructed that it is safe to do so.

Please ensure you are familiar with your nearest allocated Campus Fire Assembly Point.

For detailed fire evacuation plans and procedures by building, visit the dedicated fire safety page.

Follow instructions given by Fire Wardens or LSE Security staff. Persons must remain at the assembly point until they are informed by either the fire brigade or a member of the Security team that it is safe to return to the building.

Become a Fire Warden

If you'd like to become a Fire Warden and play an active part in helping ensure safety on our campus, please book a place or express an interest via the Training and Development System.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

Any member of staff who has a mobility or sensory impairment (whether temporary or permanent) which may affect their ability to respond to a fire and evacuate the building, should contact so that a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PDF) can be developed for them. 

For more information see Policy for Safe Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities

Contact Tanzeem Qureshi for a confidential conversation relating to your needs in case of fire and evacuation of the building. 

How to contact a First Aider

As we’re now working in a blended way, we have a new procedure for contacting First Aiders.

If you need a First Aider or have an emergency, immediately ring the 24-hour LSE Security number on ext 666 (or 020 7955 6555 from a mobile or external number) and give your name, location and brief details of what has happened.

All LSE Security staff are being first aid trained to support staff and students. There will also be lists available in communal areas such as kitchens, of local first aiders, in case of need.

Setting Up Your Workstation

As we’ll all be using different workstations when working on campus, it's really important that you make sure your workstation is set up for you.

Please take time to set up your workstation, adjust your chair and monitor and make sure your mouse is on the right side for you. Please check out these resources on how to stay safe at your desk:

Get in touch with our experts  

Fire Safety

For further information about Fire Safety visit the dedicated Fire Safety page: Alternatively, contact Tanzeem Qureshi at  or

Health and Safety

For further information about Health & Safety visit the dedicated Health and Safety page or contact