What is Academic Mentoring at LSE?
Academic mentoring is an integral part of education at LSE and critical to building an inclusive scholarly community at the School for everyone. It is also part of the LSE 2030 Strategy, the Inclusive Education Action Plan, and the Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework.
Academic mentors are students’ first point of contact with the academic community and it is a positive worthwhile relationship for both academics and students.
The portal is the outcome of a multi-year research project into academic support at LSE involving staff and students. To access further information please click on the tabs below with separate information and resources for staff and students:
Academic Mentoring Key Contacts for Staff and Students
Academic Mentors Community of Practice
The Eden Centre has established an Academic Mentors Community of Practice which meets twice termly to discuss all aspects of the role of an academic mentor at LSE.
If you would like to join the community of practice please get in touch with Dr Akile Ahmet (Head, Inclusive Education) via a.ahmet@lse.ac.uk.
Student Support Map
The Student Support Map is a tool to help students navigate all of the support on offer at LSE - from support with their studies, to help with finances and their wellbeing. We know students sometime ask their mentors for support about things which fall outside of academia, and the Support Map is a useful place to signpost students to as a first step.
Academic Mentors Community of Practice: Co-Developed Resources
Academic Mentor messages to students
Paulette Annon, Undergraduate Tutor, LSE Department of Management
PowerPoint material
Academic Mentoring Good Practice Guidance
Academic Mentoring Shifts and Expectations: Findings from Eden Centre Research on Academic Mentoring
Academic Mentoring: Caring or Crisis Management
Key information for LSE Academic Mentors
Academic Mentoring at a distance FAQs
Creating and negotiating a principled online learning space
DWS have updated their guidance on inclusion plans and online teaching and accessibility.
LSE Teaching Online Moodle Resource Page
Leaky pipelines and faculty mentors: who is really helped?
Is career mentoring a panacea for gender inequality?