Private Loans

Enhancing and expanding the loans available to LSE offer holders
and students

 Before considering private loans it is important that you fully research government or local authority funding. If this is not an option there are several private loans available to LSE students.

We have produced a helpful guide which will outline everything you need to know about Private Loans available to students at the LSE.


For the avoidance of doubt, LSE cannot provide any financial advice or make any recommendation in relation to any of these loan providers. LSE is not a party to any Agreement you may enter into with your chosen loan provider and as such you agree that LSE will not be held liable for any issues that may arise out of that contractual relationship. We therefore strongly suggest you carefully read any terms and conditions including but not limited to any data protection provisions provided to you by your chosen loan provider before you sign.

However, please note that In order to put into effect any loan you receive from your loan provider, LSE may have to enter into a data sharing Agreement with your chosen loan provider. This is in order for there to be the relevant exchange of personal data solely regarding the loans being processed and any other relevant information to be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. A copy of these data sharing Agreements can be found here.

Please note that if you decide to use any service listed on this webpage your personal details will be held outside of the UK and EEA , in the U.S and may be passed to other third parties companies as required by the provider in order to deliver the service. We strongly suggest you read the lenders privacy policy and their terms and conditions before signing up to ensure that you are content to do so.

For the avoidance of doubt, LSE accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage caused to you, your property (computer based or otherwise), software or data caused as a result of using this service. However, if  at any point after signing up, you find any unwelcome or strange activity occurring in your email account, or notice any suspected unauthorised usage of your data that you have provided to [Name of Service], then please report this immediately to