Tuition Fee Deposits


LSE receives a significant number of applications for postgraduate study in each academic year. While the majority of individuals to whom LSE offers a place enrol at LSE, there is a minority that does not. That results in a place that could have been offered to another individual being left vacant.

The purpose of requiring Offer Holders to pay LSE a deposit towards their Tuition Fees is twofold:

  • It allows Offer Holders to demonstrate their commitment to attending their chosen programme of study at LSE
  • It gives LSE a sufficient level of certainty that Offer Holders will enrol and aids LSE in its resource and student number planning.

Programmes not requiring a deposit or pre registration fee

  • UG Degrees
  • UG General Course programme
  • PG Research
  • MRes, MRes PhD
  • Visiting Research Students, Exchange (including UG exchange, PG exchange and research exchange)
  • MBA

2025/6 Taught Masters and Executive programmes with deposit requirement

MCR/IPP code Course code Programme name Deposit/Pre registration amount to pay for 2025/6
N2U9 TMGLMG Executive Global MSc in Management  £                             2,500.00
L2UM TMMPAEX Executive Master of Public Administration  £                                500.00
L4HN TMHDMNEX  Executive MSc Healthcare Decision-Making, in collaboration with NICE   £                                500.00
C8U9 TMBSEX Executive MSc in Behavioural Science  £                             2,500.00
K4U1 TMCIEX Executive MSc in Cities  £                             1,500.00
L4CS TMHECSEX3 Executive MSc in Health Economics, Outcomes and Management in Clinical Sciences  £                                500.00
L4HM TMHEPMEX Executive MSc in Health Economics, Policy and Management  £                                500.00
N2UC TMMGSBEEX Executive MSc in Social Business and Entrepreneurship  £                             2,500.00
N1UH TMGLMG2 Global MSc in Management  £                             3,900.00
N2U5 TMECMN MSc in Economics and Management  £                             3,800.00
N3UA TMFIFT MSc in Finance (full-time)  £                             4,800.00
N3UB TMFIPE MSc in Finance and Private Equity  £                             4,800.00
N4U3 TMFIRI MSc in Finance and Risk  £                             4,300.00
N6U8  TMHRORG2 MSc in Human Resources and Organisations (HRM stream)  £                             3,190.00
N6U7 TMHRORG4 MSc in Human Resources and Organisations (International Employment Relations/CIPD)  £                             3,190.00
N6U9 TMHRORG3 MSc in Human Resources and Organisations (Organisational Behaviour)  £                             3,090.00
L2UV TMISDIPNR MSc in International Strategy and Diplomacy  £                             3,780.00
MN55 TMLLFN MSc in Law and Finance  £                             4,800.00
N2UB TMMG MSc in Management  £                             4,100.00
N1UG TMMNST MSc in Management and Strategy  £                             3,800.00
G5U4 TMMISDI MSc in Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation  £                             3,800.00
N5U1 TMMK MSc in Marketing  £                             3,800.00
N2UA TMMGSIE MSc in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship  £                             3,500.00