- What are LSE Company registration and/or VAT numbers?
LSE’s UK company registration number is 00070527 LSE’s VAT registration no. is GB 629 5880 94
Please note that the School pays VAT. In some cases partial recovery of the VAT is possible and any VAT reclaimed is returned to the central LSE budget.
For contracts the form used should be: LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE (company number 00070527) whose principal place of business is at Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE (“LSE”).
- What’s the difference between a “quote” and a “tender”?
A “quote” can be verbal, but is normally written to provide a price for goods or services. What’s important to know is that a quote is not legally binding. It is in contract law an ‘invitation to treat’. Why you need to know is, is because for low value purchases, the ability to switch to another supplier is less complicated than a larger purchase and is suitable enough for those situations. Normally only price is the deciding factor for a quote.
Tendering can be more complex as it is obtaining firm offers from suppliers which are legally binding. They normally include a longer process, with suppliers being invited to provide sealed bids of their price and responses to questions testing their ability to deliver the services or goods competently. Please refer to the Procurement team for more information if required.
- Can I accept gifts/hospitality from suppliers?
The LSE has a gifts and hospitality policy that needs to be followed, please check there:
- What are EU Tendering regulations (OJEU), Public Contracts Regulations (PCR2015) or the Procurement Act 2023?
These are a set of rules and procedures that dictate how to run a procurement in public sector. For the most part LSE has its own Procurement Policy. LSE retains to flexibility when to use these rules. I.e. A Public Sector framework agreement. For more information please speak to the Procurement Team.
- Why can’t I buy retail store furniture?
Commercial and Domestic furniture do not have the same standards e.g. Fire standards and could invalidate our insurance. Instead LSE has a Contract for Commercial Furniture who can source the best match to what you have seen in a domestic catalogue if required. They are called Showcase PSR Portsdown Ltd
- Can I have a School mobile phone?
Please refer to the DTS website for purchasing
- The supplier wants payment upfront before they will start work/despatch the goods we need, can we arrange this?
Please consult the Procurement Team in these instances before any commitments are made, a risk assessment might be required and approval from the CFO for a change in payment terms from the LSE standard payment terms.
- A supplier has asked the LSE to provide trade references, where can I find these?
Instead of this, you can send them a copy of our latest Annual Accounts to prove we are financially stable. A copy of the Accounts can be found on the Finance Division web page.