Appointments Committee

Minutes, agendas and other papers are only available on a regular basis to committee members. If you are a staff member and want to request them, please contact the Committee Secretary using the contact details below.

If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request for them, contact the School's Records Manager,

Terms of reference

Terms of reference are reviewed and updated on a regular basis.  

1.1. To be the body responsible for advising the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development) on policy issues in respect of the annual Promotion and Review Round for Academic Staff; and to consider and approve revisions to policy and procedures recommended to it by the Promotions Committee. In that context, the Committee shall:

  • receive an annual report of the decisions made by the Promotions Committee in respect of individual members of staff for Interim Review, Major Review and Promotions.
  • approve annually the membership of the Promotions Committee.
  • keep under review the School’s Academic Career Development Scheme and LSE Fellow Career Development Scheme.

1.2. To be the body responsible for advising the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development) on policy issues relating to the recruitment of academic staff, including conditions of appointment and strategies for retention, In that context, the Committee shall:

  • receive regular reports of new academic appointments, including visiting appointments.
  • receive an annual report from the Vice Chair of the Appointments Committee on the general pattern of quality and procedures for appointments across and within the School.

1.3. To be the body responsible for advising the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development) on policy issues relating to research staff. In that context, the Committee shall:

  • receive an annual report from the Research Staff Committee on the profile of research staff at the School.
  • receive an annual report on the business of the Research Staff Committee.

1.4. To consider and make recommendations on any other policy matters which have a bearing on its work that may be referred to it by the President and Vice Chancellor, the Vice Presidents and Pro-Vice Chancellors, the VCAC, and other School committees.

1.5. The Appointments Committee will retain the power to establish ad hoc sub-committees to look into any areas of concern arising over time, or to examine a particular aspect of policy in-depth.

1.6. A Standing Sub-Committee of the Appointments Committee is to act as advisory to the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development) on issues that arise between the annual meetings of the Appointments Committee. It can make decisions on matters, if appropriate, which will then be reported to the full Appointments Committee.


Committee Membership

Membership of the Appointments Committee comprises the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development) (Chair), the three other Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellors, the VCAC, all (full) Professors of the School and non-professorial Heads of Department.

The Appointments Committee is advisory to the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development), by whom that advice is conveyed to the Governors. 


The Appointments Committee meets at least once per session in the Spring term. The meeting follows the conclusion of the annual schedule of business of the Promotions Committee.

Departments/Institutes are asked to ensure that, at minimum, one professor is in attendance.

The system of voluntary membership will be kept under review. A system of appointed membership will be considered if the system of voluntary attendance proves unsuccessful.

Forthcoming meeting:

Wednesday 12 June 2024

14:00 - 16:00

LRB.R.16 - LSE Life Workspace 2


For further information, please contact