Flying Start induction is an in-person event (9:30am - 1:15pm, on campus) designed for staff new to the organisation and staff returning to work following a period of extended leave.
The aim of Flying Start is to demonstrate who we are at LSE: our values, our culture, our strategic priorities; and how everyone plays an important role in contributing to and developing the LSE community.
Flying Start will provide opportunities to network and build connections and gain a greater appreciation of the wider organisational context.
Presentations and interactive sessions will include:
- Welcome from our LSE President and Vice Chancellor
- Professional and personal development opportunities
- Overview from our Deputy Chief Operating Officer
- LSE's ethics code and effective behaviours framework
- Introduction to the Unions
If you are a new starter and also a people manager, you should also attend the Flying Start for New managers Event (2 hours) which you can book here.
If you have any further queries, do not hesitate to contact a member of the Organisational Learning team at