How to use this toolkit

information for reflection, practical tools and more

This toolkit is divided up into a number of sections or themes that focus on different aspects of wellbeing – or ‘wellness’.

Each section includes a link to relevant School web resources which provide further detail. Some sections also include practical tools, such as action plans or risk assessment templates, that staff are welcome to use as appropriate or relevant. 

Naturally, many of these areas will overlap and link with each other. It is intended that these core sections will – as appropriate – be used by employees during the course of their time with the School. In particular, employee-line manager discussions (both formal one-to-ones and less formal catch-ups) are an opportunity to use information in this toolkit as a springboard for reflection, conversations and further consideration, with the support of other areas (such as HR) as required. Some of this content can also be discussed at the level of teams, such as including wellbeing on a team meeting agenda and using it as an opportunity to explore different ideas for promoting wellbeing at a team level.

Staff are encouraged to discuss relevant content of interest within this toolkit with their healthcare providers (e.g. GP, medical consultant) before making major decisions on how to proceed; this is especially important where there is a suspected mental or physical health issue and/or any pre-existing diagnoses.