Department Reviews

The Academic Planning and Resources Committee (APRC) carries out cyclical reviews of Departments in collaboration with Education Committee and Research Committee. The holistic Department Reviews are the highest level of oversight of Departments and have a strategic, rather than operational, focus, except where operational issues affecting the ability of Departments to achieve its strategic aims have been identified. They are the single major review process for Departments. These reviews inform resource distribution and ensure Departments are operating in line with the School’s strategic objectives. The reviews are undertaken by a panel chaired by the Chair of APRC with representation from APRC, Education Committee, Research Committee and external members. 

Department Reviews emphasise evidence-based decision making to ensure that current and proposed developments are in keeping with the strategic priorities of the School, that quality is high, and that investments are wise. Furthermore, Department Reviews will identify features of departmental practice from which other Departments and Professional Service Divisions can learn.  

The schedule of Reviews is confirmed annually by APRC following the Annual Monitoring process and the latest version can be found here. Departments due to be reviewed will be contacted in Winter Term of the academic year prior to the Review. The full Department Review process document, including timings and details of the Self-Evaluation Document (SED) can be found here. 

For further details please contact the APRC Secretary, Evert Nivari