Communications Network

Getting to know each other

With over 250 members, the LSE Communications Network is a lively and supportive community of practice for higher education communications professionals. Led by the Communications Division, all staff with responsibility for producing any internal or external communications for LSE’s diverse audiences are welcome to join in.

Sign me up!

Follow the link below to request to join the Team.

Join the Communications Network

Spring Term lunchtime social

Save the date - our drop in lunch will return on Tuesday 9 July, details to be announced. There is no need to register but if you have any specific dietary requirements, or would like to join a short introduction to the Communications Division session at the start of the event then please email us in advance at  

What can I expect as a member of the Communications Network?

  • Join our dedicated Team and benefit from a hive mind of communications specialists on day to day advice, signposting and content sharing
  • Enhance your communications by hooking into wider School activities using our communications planner and termly planning meetings
  • Take time out to get to know colleagues from the Communications Division and in communications roles across LSE at termly lunches or social events
  • Sharpen your communications skills with training sessions running through the year.

Questions or suggestions?

Please email us at