Term name changes

As you prepare for the next academic year, here’s a short guide to what you need to know and consider when updating documents, webpages or any content.

This quick guide will help you update the new term names across your work

How to refer to the new term and break names

  • Autumn Term | abbreviation – AT | (formerly Michaelmas Term)
  • Winter break or winter School closure* | (formerly Christmas break)
  • Winter Term | abbreviation – WT | (formerly Lent Term)
  • Spring break or spring School closure* | (formerly Easter break)
  • Spring Term | abbreviation – ST | (formerly Summer Term)
  • Summer School or summer period | (unchanged)

Guidance to support you with making changes

Resources, guidance and tips to help you apply the new term names across your work, for changes to be made in advance of September 2023


How are the changes meant to happen?

Each area is responsible for changes to their content. This means departments and divisions will need to make the updates across their work and webpages.

For updates to LSE webpages, the Digital team will contact specific web (or CMS) editors with a list of which webpages contain reference to the old term names.

It will be up to each area to decide whether the content needs to be updated and to make the changes. In some cases, the old term name may be appropriate to time-specific content, in which case it should be left. You might also use this opportunitiy to remove old content, or archive (take down) out of date information. 

The Digital team will soon directly contact and guide editors that have pages to be updated with new term names before the start of the new academic term. we’ll give editors a spreadsheet with a list of pages where the old term names are referenced – making it easier to apply changes.

Below we have also outlined some other areas you should review to make sure all changes are applied. 

Making changes to your content

Find more about some considerations when making updates to your content, and other areas you might want to review - like Moodle, PDF guidance, printed materials and more.  

Making changes to your content – considerations
Embedding the changes   Focus on the updates that will make the term names clear for the new academic year. We know it will take some time to change every instance, and we understand that you won’t be able to catch every mention across all of your content. 
Should everything change?   

Not everything will need to change. 

Future facing information should be updated, but you can leave things that reflect historic information, though you may want to add clarification about when it was relevant. If it applies to the 2023-24 academic year and beyond, then yes, it needs to be updated. 

The Digital team will contact editors through the mailbox specifying what content should be changed.  We also encourage you to use your best judgement as to whether something needs to change even if you have not been contacted. 

LSE web pages  The Digital team have identified web content which reference the old term names and will contact named editors with information and guidance to update them in the coming weeks. 
Moodle pages   

In preparing for the next academic year, review your Moodle pages for reference to the old term names, and make changes where necessary. 

Moodle pages are not referenced in the Digital teams list and should be reviewed locally. 

PDF updates  If the Digital team have contacted you to update PDF’s but you don’t have the original Word Document or the appropriate software, please contact comms.termnamechanges@lse.ac.uk adding ‘PDF Support’ in the email subject line. 
Other considerations   

Forms, processes, surveys, printed material – try to think through some other touch points to update beyond those listed above.

These examples are not referenced in the Digital teams list and should be reviewed locally.


House style guide for the new term names

We've outlined some examples and best practice for referencing for School periods, to help you with your updates and future communications.

  • When referring to the full term name, always use title case, meaning both words are capitalised.  
    Eg. We’re looking forward to welcoming you at the start of Autumn Term.  

  • When you’re not saying the full term name, the word “term” should not be capitalised. 
    Eg. This term we’ll be hosting a wide range of events. 

  • Break names should not be capitalised (unless starting the sentence). 
    Eg. You can find support over the winter break online. 
    Eg. Winter break activities will be available for all students.   

  • Break names are not proper nouns, so you can use the phrase flexibly - both examples below are acceptable. 
    Eg. Over the break this spring, there will be ongoing activities. 
    Eg. During your winter break make sure you take some time to connect with friends and family.

  • Consider whether you are referring to the full break or the School closure period.* 
    Eg. Over the spring School closure period the Library will remain open, apart from during national bank holidays. 
    Eg. Spring break will offer many opportunities to explore London.

  • The word “school” should be capitalised when referring to LSE.
    Eg. Our School is made up of a global community of students and staff.
    Eg. If there are school-aged children in attendance, ensure there is adult supervision.

  • Summer School should be capitalised, summer period should not be.
    Eg. LSE’s Summer School takes place across the summer period.

More resources and support

From networks for peer support to key contacts to help you manage your updates.

Peer support – join our dedicated Microsoft Teams channels

  • Communications Network – a Teams site where you can connect with LSE colleagues that have an element of communications in their role. Find out what’s happening in the Communications Division, hear about planning and training opportunities, join networking events, ask questions and more. 

  • CMS and Contensis Editors channel – run by our Digital team, join this site to ask questions and get peer-to-peer support, flag issues and hear about updates – to help you make the most of your LSE web content. 

Online resources 

  • Our Brand Portal - from fonts to colour pallets to tone of voice, everything you need to know about LSE's brand

  • Digital Knowledge Base - use these guides to help you with using our content management system (CMS), sourcing and cropping images, analytics and issue reporting.

  • Communications Division resources - best practice and support for staff, including toolkits, guidelines and tips from across the teams in our division

Questions? Contact us!  


 * School closure refers to the period when the majority of campus buildings are closed during the winter and spring breaks, and is distinct from the longer break between terms.