Parliamentary engagement opportunities

Helping your research shape policy

Below are current opportunities for engagement with UK Parliament and the Government.

You can find our top ten tips for giving written and oral evidence to Select Committees here. General guidance from Parliament can be found here.

Let us know if you intend to submit evidence to the committee inquiries or government consultations listed below, and if we can help in any way, via

Calls for evidence by topic:

Business, Energy and the Economy

Pathways to Work: Reforming Benefits and Support to Get Britian Working - DWP 

This consultation seeks views on the approaches the government should consider around reform of the health and disability benefits system and employment support. 

Deadline: 30 June 

 Putting fans first: consultation on the resale of live events tickets - DBT Consultation 

The Department for Business and Trade is seeking views on proposals to strengthen consumer protections in relation to ticket resales. 

Deadline: 4 April 

Home-based working - Home-based Working Committee 

This inquiry Committee will report by 30 November 2025, addressing the challenges and opportunities of remote and hybrid working for employers and workers, the impact of remote working on productivity, and any wider consequences of remote and hybrid working for the UK economy and society. 

Deadline: 25 April

Equality (Race and Disability) Bill: mandatory ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting - Office for Equality and Opportunity

The Race Equality Unit and Disability Unit at the Office for Equality and Opportunity are seeking views on how to implement mandatory ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting for large emplyoers in Great Britain. 

Deadline: 10 June

Small Business access to finance - DBT 

This call for evidence seeks views, evidence and experience of applying for and accessing debt finance in the UK for small businesses. 

Deadline: 8 May 

Communities, Housing, Local Government and Transport

New Towns: Practical Delivery - Built Environment Committee

The Built Environment Committee has launched an inquiry into new towns and expanded settlements, answering the basic question: is the construction of new towns and expanded settlements practicable and achievable? 

Deadline: 12 May 

Governance and decision-making on major projects - Public Accounts Committee 

The PAC is examining governance and decision-making structures on Government projects and information that has fed into key decision on projects, following a 2025 NAO report exploring why governance arrangements suitable on paper, do not always work in practise. 

Deadline: TBD

Technology, Culture, Media and Sport

Digital Inclusion Action Plan - DSIT Consultation 

The Department for Science Innovation and Technology are seeking evidence on the Digital Inclusion Action Plan. 

Deadline: 9 April 

Health and Social Care

Antimicrobial resistance: addressing the risks - Public Accounts Committee 

In light of the NAO's 2025 investigation into Government progress on AMR, the PAC are scrutinising how well Government is implementing plans to respond to the risks posed by AMR.

Deadline: TBD

Children and Education

Franchising in Higher Education - Department for Education consultation

DfE are consulting on proposals to strengthen oversight of ubcontracted delivery of higher education, also known as franchising. 

Deadline: 4 April

Child Maintenance - Public Services Committee

This inquiry seeks to examine the barriers to making child maintenance arrangements through the CMS and why many separated families do not have any form  of arrangement. It also explores how arrangements through CMS can be more effectively enforced. 

Deadline: 23 April 

Home Affairs, Work and Pensions

Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls: Funding - Home Affairs Committee 

This inquiry aims to influence the Government's new VAWG strategy, expected later this year. It examines the link between funding and outcomes, and explores themes around funding that the Government needs to address in its strategy. 

Deadline: 9 April 

Consultation on changes to HMRC statistics publications 2025 - HMRC Consultation

HMRC are seeking views from users of their statistics publications on proposed changes to ensure they continue producing relevant statistics that meet users' needs. 

Deadline: 10 April

International and Defense

The UK-EU reset: rebuilding a strategic partnership in uncertain times - Foreign Affairs Committee 

This inquiry explores the Government's proposed reset of the UK-EU relationship. It will consider all facets of the reset across the three "pillars" articulated by the Government (security, safety, prosperity). 

Deadline: 8 April 

Legal and Constitution

 Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill - Human Rights (Joint Committee) 

The Joint Committee on Human Rights is conducting legislative scrutiny of the Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill to assess its compatibility with international and domestic human rights standards. 
Deadline: 11 April 

Strengthening Northern Ireland's Voice in the context of the Windsor Framework - Northern Ireland Scrutiny Committee

This inquiry hopes to bring clarity to the Windsor Framework so that opportuntities to strengthen Northern Ireland's voice can be made more accessible, to stakeholders, policymakers, and politicians. 

Deadline: 30 April 

Mission Government - Public Administration and Constitution Committee 

This inquiry explores the Government's five "missions" on which policy will be focused. It will analysis its key components, the changes that need to be made to the operation of Government to facilitate mission government, as what measures are being used to mobilise other devolved governments

Devolution - MHCLG Consultation Series 

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government are running a series of inquiries into devolution and the establishment of Mayoral Combined County Authorities in: Sussex and Brighton; Norfolk and Suffolk; Cumbria; Greater Essex

Sustainability, Net Zero and Environment

Industrial transition in Scotland - Scottish Affairs Committee 

This inquiry will look at Scotland's industrial past, how its industrial landscape has changed over time, and the extent to which "invest 2035" is geared towards the challenges and opportunities facing Scotland today. 

Deadline: 27 March 

Draft National Policy Statement for nuclear energy generation – DESZ consultation

DESNZ are consulting on the draft of the new Nuclear National Policy Statement (NPS) EN-7, following the previous consultation on a proposed approach to siting new nuclear power stations beyond 2024 which ended in March 2024.

Deadline: 3 April 

Review of the Fuel Poverty strategy - DESNZ consultation 

DESNS are seeking views on a new strategy to deliver warmer homes, including the future role of the fuel poverty target and how fuel poverty is measured. 

Deadline: 4 April 

Building support for the energy transition - ESNZ Committee 

The Energy Security and Net Zero Committee are assessing whether the Government is communicating effectivel so the public has the same understanding of the objectives and benefits of the energy transition. 

Deadline: 8 April 

Revisiting the nuclear roadmap ESNZ Committee

This inquiry seeks to understand what the new Government's nuclear ambitions are and what the roadmpa is to achieving them.

Deadline: 8 April 

The cost of energy - ESNZ Committee 

The ESNZ Committee are interested in how energy bills can be reduced for consumers. It will also investigate back-billing and how to improve consumer protection. 

Deadline: 8 April 

Extending the UK Emissions Trading Scheme cap beyond 2030 -  DESNZ Consultation

DESNZ are seeking views on extending the UK Emissions Trading Scheme beyond the end of Phase 1 at midnight on 31 December 2030.

Deadline: 9 April

The Independent Water Commission - DEFRA consultation

This Independent Water Commission is seeking evidence in relation to the water sector to inform its ambitious, long-term approach to resetting the water sector. 

Deadline: 28 April 

Improving the energy performance of privately rented homes: 2025 update - DESNZ consultation

DESNZ are seeking views on the government's proposals to raise minimum energy efficiency standards for privately rented homes in England and Wales by 2030. 

Deadline: 2 May 



Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST) Notes

Information on the new POST notes, which are used in Parliament by MPs, the House Libraries and members of the Lords, can be found here along with links to other notes that POST are developing and plan to develop in the future. 

Parliament for Researchers: free online training sessions from UK Parliament

The UK Parliament's Knowledge Exchange Unit holds online training sessions on how to use research to engage with Parliament. Sessions are tailored both to different roles and career stages, and to the varied ways in which academics can engage with the policymaking process - for example, how to engage with Select Committees, and how to write for a parliamentary audience. You can watch previous sessions here