Configure your computer for DHCP

(Windows and Mac OS X)

The steps below describe how to set up a computer to use DHCP in order to be able to connect to the LSE wired or wireless network on campus and in LSE Residences. Chances are the default configuration of Windows XP/Vista/7 will just work, but if your computer has previously been configured differently then you may need to follow the steps.

An easy test will be to open a web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and go to

Configuring LAN in Windows Vista/7

1. Start | Control Panel | Network and Sharing Centre

2. Click Manage network connections (Windows Vista) or Change adapter settings (Windows 7)

3. Right click Local Area Connection…

4. Click Properties

5. Ensure that Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) is ticked

6. Untick Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IP)

7. Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

8. Tick the boxes marked Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically

9. Click OK | OK  

Configuring LAN in Windows XP

1. Start | Control Panel | Network Connections

2. Right click Local Area Connection…

3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

4. Click Properties

5. Tick the boxes marked Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically

6. Click OK | OK

7. Restart the computer

Configuring LAN in Mac OS X

1. From the Apple menu, select System Preferences

2. In the Internet & Network section, click the Network icon.

3. Select Built-in Ethernet

4. Click on the padlock  to be able to make changes. You will be prompted to enter your administrator username and password.

5. Click Advanced (Mac OS X Leopard)

6. In the TCP/IP  tab, ensure that Configure is set to Using DHCP

7. Ensure that DHCP Client IDDNS servers, and Search Domans are empty.

8.    Click Apply Now and press the Apple key and the Q key together to quit System Preferences

LSE Residences Internet activation

By default, the network socket in your study bedroom will provide access to the LSE website and internal resources only. To access websites and services on the external internet, you must first activate your internet connection for your desktop or laptop.

If you have any questions, please contact the IT Help Desk (x5000)


Most computers are configured to join a Local Area Network by default, but should you experience problems due to broadband or dial-up settings Microsoft Windows users should check Internet Option Connection settings.

1. Click Start | (Settings) | Control Panel

2. Double click Internet Options

3. Select Connections tab

4. Select Dial whenever a network connection is not present

5. Click LAN Settings

6. Tick Automatically detect settings

7. Untick any other options