What is CIVICA?
CIVICA was selected in 2019 by the European Commission as one of the pilot European Universities Alliances, funded under the Erasmus+ program. LSE is a founding member of the alliance and it is our core platform of engagement with European partners. Among staff, students, and faculty, it is a primary institutional-level avenue for networking, teaching mobility, student mobility, and research collaboration with our partners in Europe.
Read more here about CIVICA's mission and vision.
Who are the other members?
Bocconi University, Italy
Central European University, Austria
European University Institute, Intergovernmental (based in Florence)
Hertie School, Germany
IE University, Spain
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
Sciences Po, France
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Do we receive any funding from the European Commission towards our membership?
As the UK is no longer a member of the European Union and no longer holds a valid Erasmus charter, LSE does not receive any funding from the European Commission to finance our membership. LSE self-funds its membership to support CIVICA activities. For questions about CIVICA funding, please email Rebecca, our CIVICA Coordinator at: civica@lse.ac.uk
What is CIVICA Research?
CIVICA Research, a consortium separate from the Erasmus+ CIVICA Project (but with the same partners), received €2m funding from the EU's research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, under the chapter “Science with and for Society.” The project concluded in December 2023, but research activities within the alliance continue under the Erasmus+ CIVICA project.
What programmes and activities are available through CIVICA?
Examples of CIVICA activities and programmes available to students, researchers, and faculty include: