Call for applicants

 CIVICA Faculty Short Visits


Faculty and postdoctoral researchers in CIVICA universities are invited to submit proposals for a short 2-5 day visit at another CIVICA university.

The call aims to foster collaborative activities, to further existing links or to establish new ones. Activities may include, but are not limited to, giving a CIVICA-branded talk, participating in a CIVICA-branded conference, organising/participating in workshops or seminars for PhD researchers, networking with faculty, discussing potential research projects. The visit should ideally be a combination of a minimum of two activities (e.g. a talk and a workshop).

Who can apply?

Faculty and postdoctoral researchers who have a contract with one of the CIVICA universities at the time of both the application and the planned activities. 

What should the application contain?

  • Application Form
  • CV
  • An email from a host unit, confirming the visit and activities     

How will the proposals be evaluated?

Submitted applications will be evaluated by the ‘Permanent Design Team’ (PDT) of CIVICA. The PDT consists of vice-presidents for research and/or senior faculty of the ten CIVICA partner universities. Selected applications will be financed by the sending/home university in accordance with the home university’s financial rules and allocated CIVICA budget. 

The academic relevance of the proposed activities should be convincingly laid out, and the requested budget (number of nights) should be commensurate with the duration and/or number of activities proposed. Sending/home institutions may request a modification of your budget prior to approval.

What is financed?

Travel and accommodation costs directly related to the visit are eligible. Per diem may be paid at the discretion of the sending institution. 

This call is financed from CIVICA Erasmus+, with the only exception of LSE which is self-funded. Each CIVICA partner university has a different budget for this call. To find out more on available funding, please contact your local grant coordinating unit before applying. The list of contact persons at each CIVICA partner is available here. At LSE, you can email Helen Rosemont here.  


  • 29 February: Call for Short Visits announced 
  • 28 April: Application deadline 
  • 15 May: Announcement of selected applicants 
  • 1 May 2024- 15 May 2025: Visits take place