Information and guidelines

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This page contains all the information you need to engage with or visit LSE and its campus.

LSE Faculty and staff:

If you are currently working at LSE and want to establish a new research or teaching partnership, or if you are looking for guidance on how to manage and monitor existing partnerships, please visit our page: Creating and Managing Academic Partnerships

If you are planning a visit abroad, we can facilitate external meetings as long as your objectives align with partnerships and/or collaborations. Our colleagues in PAGE have contacts in all our alumni chapters abroad which could enrich your visit, so contact us before you go.

A step-by-step guide to visiting LSE

Are you planning a visit to London and interested in meeting one of our faculty members or colleagues?  Complete the online form below so we can best assist you.

[Prospective visitor form]

Please complete and submit this form

  • Your personal details *


This form will enable us to understand the nature of your enquiry or visit and help us to plan accordingly in order to maximise your visit to the most relevant departments, and with the most appropriate colleagues to meet you during your time in London.

It usually takes us some time to liaise with the most appropriate department, centre, or division, so please complete this form ideally 14 days working days prior to the date of your proposed visit.

Setting up a new partnership or collaboration

Is your institution interested in setting up a partnership with LSE?  

Our academic activity is very much led by the academic community.  Bottom-up collaborations at the individual level grow organically from personal academic relationships and sometimes develop into bigger collaborations. If you would like to discuss scoping up an already established relationship, contact us but keep in mind that to set up any formal partnership we will need to go through a number of steps including:

  • Evaluation of the project
  • Due diligence and risk assessment
  • Development and review of the proposal (strategic and operational approval by our internal committees)
  • Agreement drafting and legal review

Memorandum of understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is used to show intent of collaboration without yet committing to specific activities. It does not technically represent a binding agreement but often signals the intention of working towards one.

It should be considered a formalisation of a relationship, and often provides an opportunity to agree mutual goals and intent. 

LSE does not normally sign memoranda of understanding which are non legally binding unless this step is necessary to lead to a more specific memorandum of agreement. A separate agreement must be drawn up for any firm activities that result from the MoU.

If you wish to initiate a MoU partnership please contact our team on the first instance

 Erasmus partners: what happens now?   

Do you work for an institution that partnered with us via Erasmus in the past? Would you like to continue to access Erasmus funding for student and staff mobility to LSE? 

We are here to help and guide you step by step. Check our FAQs page and contact our team to discuss next steps.