Creating and managing partnerships

What is required and how to proceed?

How to set up a new partnership?

LSE values the establishment of key and high quality partnerships that clearly support our 2030 Strategy as well as the ambitions of our academic departments and research centres. GAE's team can advise and support you to set up a range of partnerships and programmes. 

These are the basic steps to establish a new strategic collaboration. Read the sections below for information on the type of collaborations we have experience with.  

Double degree programmes (Masters)

Double degree programmes are normally of two years' duration with students studying one year at LSE and one year at the partner institution. Upon successful completion of the programme, a student is awarded a master's degree or equivalent from both institutions.

GAE's team can assist you in the preparatory stages and advise on specific models, but please note this indicative timeline (including the committees reviewing new proposals):

•Annual Monitoring Meeting » November

•APRC Academic Planning and Resources Committee » January/Department review

•GSSC Graduate Studies Sub-Committee » May

For an authoritative list of all our double degrees, check this page.

Undergraduate exchanges

Year-long exchanges can be added to three (or four) year regular degrees. They are usually slotted in between year 2 and year 3 at LSE and do not contribute towards our students' degrees. Current destinations include SSE (Stockholm), Sciences Po (Paris and regional campuses), Berkeley, and other cities. 

Bespoke arrangements can be made with established partners or new institutions, but a review by the Undergraduate Studies Sub-Committee (USSC) will be necessary.

Contact Rhys if you want to discuss your project's specifics.

Short research exchanges for PhD students

Interested in enabling your PhD students to spend time abroad, benefit from additional archival/library resources, and to test their ideas in a different research environment?

We have a short visit agreement template ready to be used, but can also discuss your specific needs if connections are already in place between your faculty and their counterparts abroad.

Research Partnerships

Partnerships can come in all shapes and sizes. Once you have decided what your partnership will look like, you may want to make things formal through a contract, memorandum of understanding (MoU) or other form of agreement.

Check our specific guidance page and contact Mengxi for tailored advice. 


The UK and Erasmus+

The UK is no longer an EU Member State. It has also opted not to take part as an associated third country in the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-27.  The UK will therefore not be taking part in the new programme as a Programme Country but it can still participate as a non-associated third country. 

What happens now? Erasmus+ projects selected from 2022 onwards

European institutions wanting to renew their collaboration with LSE:

LSE will ensure the perennity of the high quality collaborations established prior to 2022. To maintain those partnerships, GAE will assist our partners so that new template agreements can be signed to continue our joint projects. 

For student exchanges to take place, a bilateral exchange agreement must be negotiated as the legal basis for exchange. Should our European partner wish to access Erasmus+ funding for their outbound students, it is still possible to sign an Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement between an EU member state and 'third countries not associated to the programme' (United Kingdom).

Please note that this status means there is no Erasmus+ funding available for LSE students or staff. Do not hesitate to contact our European partnerships coodinator Helen to discuss the process and next steps: 

Study Abroad Opportunities

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Downloadable Documents

    • Partnership scoping template
    • Project initiation document
    • LSE Committee/SMC proposal template
    • Due diligence checklist and assessment form
    • Risk assessment framework
    • Partnership monitoring form
    • IDTA template