About us

What we do, who we are and how we contribute to LSE's strategic objectives


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Our team coordinates the School’s global engagement with core academic partners, working closely with academic departments and service divisions to deliver on LSE 2030 priorities tied to double/dual degrees and strategic programmes. We provide a platform for LSE academics to further their collaborative teaching and research addressing the most pressing global issues. 

How we can help you 

We facilitate cooperation with leading institutions in globally relevant locations and assess new prospective partners. Our aim is to broaden the School’s academic portfolio through teaching – including dual/double degrees, PhD mobility, and jointly branded summer schools–, and to create innovative opportunities for our students and alumni who are navigating increasingly globalised job markets.

Widening the range of our expertise, promoting collaborative world-class research and addressing the most pressing global issues is part of our mission.

If you are interested in exploring LSE’s partnership and collaborations with universities across the world, please contact us at global@lse.ac.uk


Meet our Team



Dr Brendan Smith

Executive Director, International Strategy & Executive Director, LSE in East Asia 

Brendan leads on all aspects of the division's engagement in North and South East Asia. He also oversees the International Strategy & Academic Partnerships team, which manages the School's academic partnerships around the world.

Email: b.p.smith1@lse.ac.uk  


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Marina Arcady

Brendan Smith's Executive Officer 

Please note that Marina also supports PAGE's Executive Director of Corporate Engagement, Sarah Anderson

Email: m.a.arcady@lse.ac.uk   




Stephanie Cloots 

Senior Manager (Strategy & Projects)

Main responsibilities: Management and implementation of LSE International Strategy; Support of International Strategy Board (ISB); special project development in priority regions.

Email: s.g.cloots@lse.ac.uk 




Rhys Bearder

Manager (Global Mobility & Partnerships)

Main responsibilities: development and management of LSE mobility programmes including exchanges, study abroad, double degrees; development of new and existing agreements and initiatives with institutional partners.

Email: r.c.bearder@lse.ac.uk 




Dr Mengxi Pang

Manager (Global Research Partnerships & Alliances) (on maternity leave)

Main responsibilities: development and management, in collaboration with other teams at LSE, of new academic projects, particularly around research/research related, through partnerships with universities, network and alliances.



Dr Emilia Borowska

Manager (Global Research Partnerships & Alliances)

Main responsibilities: development and management, in collaboration with other teams at LSE, of new academic projects, particularly around research/research related, through partnerships with universities, network and alliances.

Email: e.borowska@lse.ac.uk



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Dr Delphine Bénézet

Global Engagement Coordinator

Main responsibilities: development and promotion of partnership activities relating to student and faculty mobility schemes; support of established collaborations and of visits on campus. Coordination of compliance and due diligence processes, and all aspects of communications.

Email: d.benezet@lse.ac.uk  



Rebecca Sealy

European Partnerships Coordinator (CIVICA)

Main responsibilities: coordination of the School’s membership of CIVICA (the European University of Social Sciences). Development and implementation of collaborative academic initiatives with European partners, including double degrees, mobility opportunities, conferences, joint research and civic engagement. 

Email: r.sealy@lse.ac.uk



Linda Earl

Collaborative Programmes Assistant

Main responsibilities: Management of inboxes, record and support on communications, support on strategic collaborative academic projects with academic partners, alliances and other stakeholders. 

Email: l.c.earl@lse.ac.uk