PSS Conference parallel sessions

Morning Parallel Sessions, 11.20-12.20

Is your workplace making you sick? 
Murrell Room, Ground Floor

Terry Patterson and Paul Glynn will look at the how “well” our work environment is and whether there are things we can do to improve it. They will look at how we manage feelings and relationships at work, offering participants the chance to share good practice.

How to achieve a positive work-life balance? (Session 1)
Anderson Barnes Room, Ground Floor

Esther Canonico will talk about different work practices to improve work-life balance and their potential benefits and pitfalls. In this session, you would have the opportunity to reflect on own work-life preferences, better understand different strategies to manage work-life interface and, ultimately, identify ways to achieve a better work-life balance.

Developing Your Career in the Higher Education Sector (Session 1)
Worcester Room, 1st Floor

Gillian Urquhart, Joy Whyte and Andy Wilson will talk about their careers and how they have developed them within the HE sector. They will share hints and tips that have worked for them and there will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any issues that you may face in your own career development.

Physical Presence: Make an Impact (Session 1)
Great Hall, 1st Floor

This masterclass will build your personal presence and increase both your gravitas and your credibility. You will work with one of RADA’s expert tutors to understand how making small shifts in your body can lead to dramatic changes in effective communication and how you come across.  The session will apply these skills to a range of situations from lectures and tutorials, to meetings, networking and public speaking.

Afternoon Parallel Sessions, 13.45-14.45

The Wild Self: Health and Creativity Through Connection to Nature and Our Animal Selves
Murrell Room, Ground Floor

This interactive talk by Bridget Holding is a delicious fusion of evolutionary psychology, conceptual metaphor, embodied cognition, and body-based therapies, offered with warmth, humour, and peppered with case studies, and examples from Bridget’s own life. Bridget invites attendees to undertake several small ‘experiments’ during the presentation, to test the theories for themselves.

How to achieve a positive work-life balance? (Session 2)
Anderson Barnes Room, Ground Floor

Developing Your Career in the Higher Education Sector (Session 2)
Worcester Room, 1st Floor

Physical Presence: Make an Impact (Session 2)
Great Hall, 1st Floor