Timetable and class registers

Timetable and Class Registers


Summer School timetables are primarily to show class times, which will not necessarily be at the same time each day.

Yours will show all class groups which you are teaching as well as the lectures for that course. In most cases you will not need to attend lectures, but if in doubt, speak to the course Lecturer/s.

In addition to the classes that you teach, you will be required to invigilate exams and possibly to attend some events / lectures. The online timetable may list some of these additional activities / duties, but the absence of an event on the calendar does not necessarily mean you are not needed on that day and timetables may change.

Both student and teaching timetables can be viewed in LSE For You, usually a week before the programme. From there, you can also download your timetable to run in most calendar formats (iPhone, Gmail, Android, Outlook, etc).

Students will be able to view their own timetables from the first Monday.

Rotating Classes

In most cases, if you teach more than one class, the groups will alternate times each day. The example below shows an example timetable for a single group.



Attendance data is also important to the students, as those who choose not to be examined are required to have a 75% attendance record in order to get an Attendance Certificate (for a full explanation, see FAQs below).

Below are instructions and FAQs. Please read through them carefully and keep a link to this page for reference.  If, after reading through, you have any doubts about how to use the system, please contact a member of Summer School staff for help.

How it works

LSE staff will automatically have access to the registers through LSE for You. All non-LSE staff will be issued with an LSE IT account which is used to access the registers.

Registers are created on the morning of each day that a class is scheduled (they are normally generated at 8am). You will not be able to view anything, including the menu option, until the day of the first class. 

To access your registers:

  1. Log into LSE for You
  2. Under the staff menu, go to Summer School Teacher Registers
  3. Select the class (by course, room and time)
  4. Mark each student as either present or absent*
  5. The data is automatically fed back to the Summer School Office.

*It is also possible to mark a student as ‘absent with reason’ if they have provided, for example, a doctor’s note, but this should normally be dealt with by the Summer School Office.





  •  My timetable looks wrong / I need to make changes to my timetable!

Contact the Summer School Office immediately. If you make any schedule changes without informing the office, it is likely that student timetables will not show the changes.


  •  I can't see anything in LFY?  When do the registers appear?

The menu option should appear the Friday before the first class, if not, then over the weekend.  The registers will only appear on the day of the first class.


  •  What happens when a student changes course?

In the first 2 days, students may change course.  Students who leave a course will not appear on future registers.  They will appear on their new course register from the first day after they transfer.  We take into account attendance on all courses when determining whether they are eligible for an Attendance Certificate.


  • Can students change class?

The official line is that it is not possible to change class groups.

Only the Summer School Office has the ability to change a student’s class and they will only do it in exceptional circumstances. Since classes are usually not at the same time two days in a row, the usual reasons students have for wanting to change class (the time is inconvenient) no longer apply. Moving to be with friends is not an acceptable reason.

If a student has a valid reason, ask them to go to the Summer School Office, otherwise it is best just to tell them 'no' as it wastes their time sending them to the office. 


  • What happens if a student comes to a class other than the one they are supposed to?

If a student needs to attend a different class on a particular day as a one-off, you do not need to inform the office, provided they are in one of your other groups.

If a student turns up to the wrong group, you will be able to access the registers of your other groups to record them as having attended.


  • I share half of the teaching with another teacher. How will our registers work?

Up to three teachers can have access to a register. If the class teacher changes unexpectedly halfway through a course, the Summer School Office can swap control of the register.


  • What happens if I can’t update the registers?

If you are unable to access your register, you should inform the Summer School Office immediately at summer.school.admin@lse.ac.uk. If you need to, record attendance another way and update the register later.


  • Do I have to use the online registers?

Yes. Keeping the registers up to date is a requirement of the teaching contract for the Summer School. Students can view their own attendance and will question it if they are not being recorded. If you are unable to make the register work, it is your responsibility to contact the Summer School Office as early as possible.


  • What is an Attendance Certificate?

Students who choose not to take the final exam will be issued with an Attendance Certificate, provided they have attended at least 75% of the classes. Students who take the final exam will be given a grade (A+ to F) and cannot get an Attendance Certificate. As the midterm exam / essay does not affect whether or not an Attendance Certificate can be taken, you should encourage all students to take the midterm if there is one.