Wellbeing can mean different things to different people, from how we're feeling at a certain time to the changes we want to make to be happier and healthier.
Explore the exhibition to discover the small, everyday actions we can all take to boost our wellbeing.
Take some time away from your work to write a mind apple to hang up on our wellbeing tree, and attend one of our wellbeing events below:
On Being Well at LSE
All day, Monday 21 January, The Venue (LSESU)
Want to do some pilates or laughter yoga? Feel like writing on walls, learning some self-defence or hearing some empowering student stories? Then join in this day of wellbeing, mental health awareness and self-care activities in The Venue.
Check out the full programme here and come along to your favourite sessions!
Knitting Group
12.30 - 1.30pm, Wednesday 23 January
Do you knit or crochet? Or are you wanting to learn a new skill in 2019? The Knitting Group will be meeting in the Student Services Atrium from 12.30-1.30pm – to help those wanting to start knitting or crochet or wanting to find time to work on a project. All levels of experience are welcome – bring your own projects along.
If you want to know more about the Knitting Group contact Sue Donnelly s.donnelly@lse.ac.uk
Paul Dolan: happy ever after
6.30 - 8pm, Thursday 24 January
Paul Dolan launches his new book, Happy Ever After, exploring the narratives society installs in us, using good evidence to debunk bad stories. Find out how to get your ticket for this event in the Old Theatre here.
Benefits of massage, acupuncture and osteopathy
12 - 2.30pm, Friday 25 January
Hanya and Laura from the LSE Treatment clinic are offering short massage sessions and acupuncture demonstrations, as well as answering any queries about the benefits of massage, acupuncture and osteopathy.
Come to the Atrium to join Hanya from 1-2.30pm for information on acupuncture, and come and get a short massage from Laura from 12-2.30pm.
Leathercraft for beginners
12.30 - 1.30pm, Monday 28 January
Come along and discover this exciting craft! The cost of this session is £5 to cover tools and materials. For more information and to book a place please contact Brian Williams b.v.williams@lse.ac.uk
LSE Book club: special edition
12.30 - 1.30pm, Wednesday 30 January
Do you love books? Want to share the love with your colleagues? Share your recommendations on our book board - and have a cup of tea while you chat! You can also come along with a book for our book swap and discover new reads! For optional bonus points we ask you not to judge a book by its cover. To do this, wrap your chosen book to swap in advance and attach a post it note listing the themes of the book or a short review - without mentioning the title or author.
Contact Loraine Evans and Hayley Reed to find out more about book club.
Have any questions or feedback about these events or the exhibition? Get in touch.