Do I have to join the LSE Fitbit community and or an LSE team?
No, taking part in pop-up challenges and activities are all completely optional. You will be invited, and you can choose at the time if you wish to take part. You can also join a challenge and choose to exit the challenge at any time if at any point you change your mind.
How many people make up a team?
A team requires a minimum of 5 up to a maximum of 10 members. The more members in a team the better the Fitbit team experience.
Whose team would I be in?
Staff members can choose to be a team leader by emailing staff wellbeing and nominating themselves. Like GCC you can rally up the troops to create teams, we’re not being prescriptive. We suggest the following combinations for fun rivalry through the year:
Teams can be made up of between 5 to 10 members.
Business unit teams made up of your own department, division, centre or institute)
You could choose to create cluster teams to create mixed groups
You can opt to be added into a mixed random team by staff wellbeing. We will help to create teams where we can but remember, the best way of creating a team is to get talking to your colleagues and workmates!
You can also belong to more than one type of team, so you are really spoilt for choice.
Throughout all teams we would absolutely love mixture of staff groups so get talking and start creating your teams!
How do I join the LSE Fitbit community?
Go to and input ‘961192’ to sign up or login to Fitbit and view your personalised wellness dashboard.
Alternatively, you can email staff wellbeing with the email address you used to set up your Fitbit account and we can send you an email invitation.
Or, by purchasing a new Fitbit device from our dedicated LSE-Fitbit discounted store where your device will be automatically added.
How do I join a team?
Get talking with your colleagues and seek out your nearest team leader. We are always looking for new team leaders so if you’re interested please do email Staffwellbeing and let us know! We can set you up as a team leader or connect you with someone who already is.
How do I join challenges?
Staff wellbeing will invite all LSE Fitbit community members to all challenges, you can choose to accept whichever you wish.
Do I have to join challenges? Do I have to take part in all challenges?
No, you are not committed just by joining our LSE-Fitbit community. You can choose to accept or decline any invitations to join LSE-Fitbit community challenges. Its all just for fun!
How do I stay active within the LSE Fitbit community?
The Fitbit platform defines “active” participants are those who have joined the program and have synced their data at least once within the last two weeks.
Can I use my Fitbit with friends and family outside of LSE?
Yes, you can interact with your free Fitbit and simultaneously take part in mini challenges with your social network outside of LSE at the same time on completely different challenges in the usual way.