Academic office hours

Office hours are designated times in which academic staff are available to have conversations about wellbeing, offer feedback on your progress or specific summative or formative assessments, or have an in depth discussion of an academic area in which the you're interested.

Who can I book an office hour with?

All academics provide office hours. You may access any academic’s office hours whose research areas are of interest or relevant to the you, as well as your class teachers’, course lecturers’ or academic mentor's office hours.

What format do office hours take?

Office hours are often used for a one-to-one chat, but might also be used for a smaller tutorial-style meeting between an academic and a small group of students. Appointments are usually 10 minutes long. Most appointments take place on campus, although you may be offered an online meeting.

How do I book an office hour with an academic? 

Academics’ office hours should be clearly published on their department’s ‘Who’s Who’ page on the LSE website, on the Student Hub and/or their particular course’s Moodle page. Some academics also have a notice outside their office saying when their hours are.

How office hours are organised varies. Most academics require that appointments be booked via the 'Make a Booking' function in the Student Hub