Safe Contacts

We are the LSE Safe Contacts. We are members of LSE staff who have received training and can offer a confidential 'signposting' service for staff and students who have previously or are currently experiencing some form of bullying or harassment. 

Safe Contacts can support you no matter your gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability and more. We care, and we are here for you. If you have experienced any bullying or harassment that are homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, racist, sexist, or discriminatory of any nature, please reach out to any Safe Contact below and we will help you navigate the support available and what comes next. 

We are all volunteers, who are supported by the EDI office and who are committed to supporting LSE’s inclusive working, studying and social environment.There are two ways you can speak with a Safe Contact:

1. You can contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion via email (

2. You can reach out to us directly via our contact details below. 

We recognise the strength it can take to reach out for support, so each safe contact aims to respond to you within 1 – 2 working days and aims to offer you an appointment within 5 working days.


Photo of Safe Contact Elisabet Vives

Elisabet Vives (She/Her)
Project Manager and Researcher
LSE Consulting, Research and Innovation Division

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence (including LGBTQ+ domestic and sexual violence).

I’ve worked at LSE Consulting for three years, first as a Project Officer and Researcher and now as a Project Manager and Researcher. Previously, I did an MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy at the LSE. Being both an alumna and an employee, I feel very much part of LSE’s international, vibrant community, and that made me want to be helpful to those around me.

The safe contact scheme strengthens the links between each other and enhances our sense of community by offering support to those who seek it. I have received training for sexual violence and harassment support and have been a Safe Contact since 2019. I am also a General Committee Member of Spectrum, the LGBTQ+ Staff Network, so I would be particularly happy to help anyone struggling in the LGBTQ+ community.

In my free time, I love to read, exercise (preferably outdoors) and spend time with my loved ones.



Dimitris Thomopoulos

Dimitris Thomopoulos (He/Him)
EO to HoD and EDI Officer
Psychological and Behavioural Science

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

I work at the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science as an Executive Officer to the Head of Department and an EDI Officer, supporting students and staff and taking an intersectional approach to EDI. 

I have been a member of the LSE community for the past 20 years on and off, either as a student or now, as a staff member. I have experienced LSE culture from both sides and that has given me a unique perspective in understanding the needs of both students and staff. 

As an EDI Officer at PBS, a member of the LGBTQ+ community and a committee member of SPECTRUM, I understand the importance of a safe contact that is approachable and able to empathically listen and support students and staff during a distressing period of their lives. I strongly believe in equity and respect for all and want LSE to be a place where all of us can thrive and grow without fear of harassment, discrimination, bullying or any form of sexual violence. 

I have also trained as a Mental Health first aider. 



Image of Safe Contact Jennie Stayner

Jennie Stayner (She/Her)
Department Manager
Department of Economic History 

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence. Trained in Safeguarding.

I’ve worked in Higher Education Administration since 2003 in 3 different institutions and have been at LSE since 2016. I have worked in academic departments for my entire career and my favourite part of my job is meeting and working with students. In my spare time I love watching films, being creative by knitting and sewing, spending time with my family and friends, and doing yoga.

I have received training for sexual violence and harassment support and have been a Safe Contact since 2018.

I am a committed and passionate ally for LGBTQ+, BAME and Disabled Colleagues and am trained as a Mental Health First-Aider.



Image of Safe Contact Astrid Soiza

Astrid Soiza
Head of Student Records Management 
Student Services Centre

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment and discrimination.

My name is Astrid and I have been at LSE since 2010. I have had a number of roles in the Academic Registrar’s Division, and am currently the Head of Student Records Management.  I have a very keen interest in student and staff wellbeing, so took on the role of a Safe Contact in summer 2019.



Sophie Scharlin-Pettee

Sophie Scharlin-Pettee (She/Her)
Research and Policy Project Manager
Grantham Research Institute (GRI)

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment,  discrimination AND sexual violence (including LGBTQ+ domestic and sexual violence).

Hi, I'm Sophie!

I became a Safe Contact because I care deeply about supportive work environments where everyone feels safe, included, and heard. As a Listening Service lineworker for Oxfordshire's Rape Crisis, and a part-time locum worker at a mental health crisis centre, I am trained in responding to crises and empowering individuals to prevent crises through non-judgmental, non-directive listening. I know how frightening it can be to bring what's on your mind to us here at the Safe Contacts Network, and I hope I can offer you a safe place to land if you do decide to share.

In my spare time, I love to cook, eat (living my life meal-to-meal), practice yoga, run long distances very slowly, and become friends with all the cats in my neighbourhood.


Photo of Safe Contact Jessica Rowan

Jessica Rowan 
PA and Research Projects Coordinator
LSE Housing and Communities

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence.

Hi, I’m Jess. I became a Safe Contact because it was important to me that colleagues and students could access support services as simply as possible when dealing with difficult and stressful situations. In a crisis, knowing where to turn and how to get the help you need can feel overwhelming. Having an acknowledged, safe, clear route to finding guidance and help is absolutely essential, and Safe Contacts provides that.

In my spare time, I like to run, especially on the paths and trails of Wimbledon Common, and putting a good playlist on and boogieing in my kitchen (or a dancefloor).



Image of Safe Contact Damian Roberts

Damian Roberts
Department Manager
Department of Social Policy
0207 955 7345

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment and discrimination.

Having worked at LSE for many years, I know how busy, complex and stressful place it can be. In this environment, I hope that I and the other safe contacts can offer easily accessible support and guidance in a safe, non-judgmental space to whoever needs it.

As dad to three boys, in my ‘spare’ time I find myself standing on the football pitch touchline in the driving rain, being briefed on the intricacies of the latest Lego creation and fending off attacks from ninjas!



Sonya onwu

Sonya Onwu (She/Her)
LAWS Director
Department of Law

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence.

I chose to become a Safe Contact because it is vital that all students and staff who have experienced bullying, harassment and/or sexual violence have a judgement free space to sit, share and think. Furthermore, as a woman of colour, I know that for BPoC students and staff, having the option to speak to someone from a similar community can make a world of difference. 

As a mama of two, free time is hard to come by! But I do love to cook- food is a love after all! When I am able to grab a few minutes to myself, I like to read young adult fiction, doom scroll twitter, rewatch episodes of Greys Anatomy and This is Us, or just sit in silence and finish a cup of cofee without having to reheat it!



Image of Safe Contact Anouska Nithyanandan

Dr Anouska Nithyanandan
Research Development Manager. Acting Deputy Head of Research Development and Research Innovation
Research and Innovation

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment and discrimination.

I am passionate about supporting the enviroment in which we work, learn and do research. I have been a committee member of EmbRace staff network since 2017, and have volunteered as a bullying and harassment Safe Contact since 2020.

In my spare time I like going to the cinema and long walks around South London parks.



Melissa Nicholson

Melissa Nicholson
Head of International Compliance - IGC
Legal Team

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence.

In my current role I support international LSE staff through monitoring and managing international compliance and governance related requirements related to the School's registered international entities and the International Growth Centre (IGC). I work with teams to improve international safeguarding, safety and sercurity across the School. I became a Safe Contact because it's important to know your options in a crisis and be able to be informed enough to be in full control of your next steps. 



Image of Safe Contact Louise Millar

Louise Millar (She/Her)
MSc Programme Manager
Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence (including LGBTQ+ domestic and sexual violence).

I have worked at LSE since 2018 firstly as the MSc coordinator in geography and Enviroment and now as the MSc Programme Manager in Psychological and Behavioural Science. I regularly interact with staff and students and have a good understanding of the issues which are faced and how this could impact them.

I have an interest in the safety and wellbeing of staff and students at LSE. I have a Certificate in Counselling skills which has improved my listening and empathy skills which will help to put students and staff at ease when speaking to me confidentially. I am also a Mental Health First Aider. I like to go to the gym, in particular Spin and HIIT classes, socialise with friends and binge watch series on Netflix!



Image of Safe Contact Daniel Linehan

Daniel Linehan
Centre Manager
0207 106 1147

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence. Trained in Safeguarding.

I’ve been at the School since 2001, first as Departmental Manager for what used to be the Department of Social Psychology (now the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science) and now as Centre Manager in LSE LIFE.

Over the years I have gain a good understanding of the issues faced by colleagues and I welcome the opportunity to work as a Safe Contact and to make a positive contribution to the School.

In my spare time, I have become addicted to Spotify and it has replaced Five USA as my favourite way to relax.

My favourite book is Lord of the Flies by William Golding. This book made me look at the world in a different way in terms of good and evil.

If I had one superpower, it would be the ability to instantly switch off.



stephanie lambert

Stephanie Lambert (She/Her)
Academic Mentor, BSc Management 
Department of Management

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence. Trained in Safeguarding.

I chose to become a Safe Contact because I understand there are so many situations in life that where confiding in someone can make things easier to cope with.  Having somebody impartial, reliable and trustworthy to talk to makes such a difference; nobody should have to struggle with something alone.

I am part of three staff networks championing diversity and inclusion: Power, Spectrum and EmbRace.  I have completed my Active Bystander Training, Sexual Violence Training and my White Ally Training at the LSE. 

If I could have one superpower it would be the ability to teleport so that I could find the sunshine when I need it (without enduring the costly long haul flights), eat all of my favourite foods in the best places and visit family and friends more often.



Image of Safe Contact Kasia Krajniewska

Katarzyna Krajniewska (Kasia) (She/Her)
Undergraduate Tutor
0207 955 6889

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence. Trained in Safeguarding.

In my daily job, I regularly and frequently interact with students. They come to me with lots of different issues and I always strive to ensure they get the attention and the right support needed, be it emotional, personal, academic or research related. I deeply believe all of us (staff, faculty and students) should feel safe, respected and cared about, and have a confidential and non-judgemental space to disclose details of incidents with negative impact and receive reliable advice on possible course of action. I hope to be able to extend the support I give my students also to other members of the community and this motivated me to become a Safe Contact.

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family. My kids are young and it’s my priority to make sure they get the right amount of attention and value time with their parents. Besides, I really enjoy being around them; they make me truly and unconditionally happy. There is a lot one can learn from a child.



Image of Safe Contact Thomas Jones

Tom Jones
Graduate Programme Coordinator
Geography and Environment
0207 107 5689

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence.

I chose to become a Safe Contact as I had previously worked in HE in residential roles so thought my experience would be invaluable in this role. I also felt that there needed to be more male representation in the Safe Contact role.

In my spare time, I’m an avid rugby fan having grown up playing from the age of 4 and plan on getting back into playing when I move up to London.



Image of Safe Contact Ioanna Gouseti

Ioanna Gouseti 
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow / Research Fellow

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence. Trained in sexual violence and harassment support.

I joined the LSE Department of Sociology as course tutor in 2016, after completing my PhD at the LSE Methodology Department. I teach criminology and research methods courses, and I conduct research on public attitudes to crime and on sexual harassment. I’ve recently been awarded a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship to conduct research on gendered harassment in public space. 

I love movement, especially spinning, dance cardio, yoga, and walking (preferably in nature). As a new mama, I don’t have much ‘me time’, but when I do, I love watching movies and reading fiction as well as listening to podcasts, with some of my favourites being ‘Woman's Hour’, ‘Beyond Today’, ‘Talking politics’ and Tara Brach’s guided meditations. Have a listen! 

I feel grateful for being part of the Safe Contact Team since 2020. I am a passionate advocate of initiatives that create cultures, which promote well-being, connectedness, inclusivity and support, such as the LSE safe contact.  



Photo of Victoria Frost

Victoria Frost (she/her)
Head of Student Services
Academic Registrar’s Division

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence.

I chose to be a Safe Contact because I have spent years supporting staff and students through difficult situations, including issues that you might bring to a Safe Contact.

I have worked at universities in three different countries and in a variety of roles, including responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence. I have also worked with the Student Wellbeing Service and have a good understanding of the various support services across the School and in the wider community.

Please come talk to me if you would like someone to listen to you and help you figure out a way forward. 



Pete Evanson's Profile Picture

Pete Evanson
Deputy Head of Student Services (Advice and Policy)
Student Services Centre

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment and discrimination.

In my role I often encounter students who are, or have, faced difficult or distressing circumstances and I try to be a good listener who can help to formulate a plan that joins up the academic and pastoral support available to students at LSE.



Sevilay Erdogan 2024

Sevilay Erdogan 
Postgraduate Programme Officer (PhD & Research Lead)
Department of Social Policy

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment and discrimination.

I have worked at LSE for a number of years, and work with PhD students on a daily basis. I decided to take on this role as Safe Contact as I have a keen interest in the safety and wellbeing of all students and staff.

I am currently studying for a degree outside of work, and I enjoy reformer Pilates and spending time with loved ones.



Tash Dalling
Organisational Learning Programme Coordinator (secondment)
Human Resources

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence (including LGBTQ+ domestic and sexual violence). Trained in Safeguarding.

I have worked in HE within Human Resources and Programmes as well as within Victim Support as a Support Worker. I have an interest in both staff and student wellbeing and safety, and feel that it is an incredibly important aspect of University life, hence have taken on the role of being a Safe Contact.

I enjoy Olympic Weightlifting and watching films/tv shows in my spare time.




Chris Chaplin (He/Him)
Visiting Fellow
Department of Anthropology

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, discrimination AND sexual violence.

I joined the LSE’s Religion and Global Society Research Unit in 2021. Before this I spent several years working in government and as an academic in the UK and abroad, including at the LSE. I am an anthropologist by training, and passionate supporter in creating an inclusive, open and kind environment at the university.

As a Safe Contact I hope to work alongside my colleagues to offer non-judgmental guidance and support whenever needed. 




Image of Safe Contact Mark-Bryceland

Mark Bryceland
MSc Programmes Manager
Department of Government
0207 955 6300

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment and discrimination.

In my current role I frequently help students who may experience difficulties on a range of issues related to their programme of study. I decided to become a Safe Contact in Spring 2020 in order to signpost students and staff to appropriate sources of help at the School.In my spare time I go to the gym or for a run most lunchtimes. Outside of work I am a music enthusiast and budding script-writer.



Anika Bloomfield

Anika Bloomfield (She/Her)
Graduate Programmes Manager
Department of Philosophy

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

I have worked in HE for the majority of my career and worked in various different areas - including Student Services, Academic Registry, Executive Education, HR, and various Departments and Faculties. Currently I’m a Graduate Programmes Manager in the Department of Philosophy and a member of the Departmental EDI Committee. Before coming to the LSE, I was Institutional Athena SWAN Coordinator and a HR Advisor at Anglia Ruskin University.

A theme that’s always been close to my heart, and that’s been a prominent aspect of many of my roles, is driving change for equality, diversity and inclusion and ensuring a safe and supportive environment for everyone.

I believe that the Safe Contact scheme provides a vital network of support to ensure that staff and students can reach out in times of need. It felt very natural for me to become a Safe Contact for this reason. 


Image of Safe Contact kelly benson

Kelly Benson
Faculty Affairs Manager
0207 955 6291

Safe Contact trained to support with bullying, harassment and discrimination.

I have worked in Higher Education Administration since 2001, this is my third institution and I have been at LSE since 2014. My current role is primarily academic recruitment and supporting key HR functions for the Department. I have a keen interest in student and staff wellbeing and took on the role of a Safe Contact in March 2020.