

This service provides free, confidential, and independent support for any staff or student who has experienced any form of sexual violence, at any point in their lives. It may have been something that happened whilst studying or working at LSE or something that happened before joining LSE.
The service can provide short-term emotional support (up to 4 sessions) for any student or staff member impacted by sexual violence at any time, regardless of whether you have or intend to report.
If you have, or intend to, report an incident to LSE and/or the police, then the service will provide longer term practical support whilst you engage in this process.
The service is available to all genders and sexualities.
- Rape Crisis South London can support self-identifying women.
- Survivors UK can support self-identifying men, and non-binary folk.
Accessing the Service
To self-refer into Rape Crisis South London please download and fill out the following referral form and email it to Rape Crisis at LSE.ISVA@rasasc.org.uk.
To self-refer into SurvivorsUK please fill out their online referral form that can be found here: SurvivorsUK | ISVA referral form
If you are completing a professional referral on behalf of someone else, please ensure you have consent from this person before submitting the form.
Please write ‘LSE’ in the Additional Information box at the end of the form. This ensures SurvivorsUK can identify you as an LSE affiliated referral.
Contact details
If you would like to reach out to our partners directly with any questions, please do email LSE.ISVA@rasasc.org.uk (for Rape Crisis South London) or ISVA@survivorsuk.org (for SurvivorsUK).
If you would like to speak to someone within LSE about this service, please do contact Heather Williams, the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy Adviser, at h.williams7@lse.ac.uk
Referrals go straight to our partners Rape Crisis or SurvivorsUK. LSE will not see referrals or emails sent directly to our partners.
Information can be shared with LSE when you consent to share OR where there is a serious concern for your safety or wellbeing or the safety or wellbeing of others within the LSE community.
Supporting you to manage the impacts of sexual harassment, violence and/or intimate partner abuse.
Helping you to understand better how trauma can impact you.
Providing you with impartial information on your reporting options for both within the University and externally, e.g. with the police.
Support and guidance to navigate any reporting process that you do move forward with.
Signposting and referring you to appropriate support services both within LSE and externally.