Hybrid Meeting Etiquette

Keeping your audience engaged while running hybrid technology can take some getting used to. But don’t worry - here are some useful tips to help you run hybrid meetings and help you get the most out of them!

Tips for running successful hybrid meetings

  • Start the meeting with introductions and checking in with your colleagues
  • Use breakouts and smaller thinking groups
  • Use visual aids or interactive tools such as Polls on Zoom, or Miro to keep people engaged
  • Remember to facilitate – bring in the quieter people and control the more talkative ones!
  • Direct questions equally to in-room participants (with eye contact), and virtual (eye contact with camera)
  • Keep to the agenda and be succinct, assign a timekeeper where necessary
  • If you're in the room, talk to the camera as well as the other room participants
  • Be aware of what your background says about you
  • Try not to interrupt any speakers and give people enough time to speak

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If you're participating in a hybrid meeting...

  • If you're on campus – join the meeting in person if you can and bring your laptop
  • Have your camera on where possible to engage with your colleagues
  • Raise your electronic hand when wanting to speak
  • If you don't have your laptop – say your name when speaking in the room
  • Try to limit distractions like your email or smartphone during the meeting
  • If joining virtually from your desk, use a headset and blur your background 
  • Ensure your screen name matches your actual name
  • Do not have side conversations if attending the meeting in person
  • If in the room, only use the room microphone if possible (i.e., not your laptop mic)