Inducting New Starters

New starters should feel settled and empowered in their roles - both on and off campus - when they join LSE. That’s why we’ve compiled a new starter checklist to support line managers with inducting their new staff, especially in the content of blended working. Managers are encouraged to use this checklist to:

  • Ensure that all administrative tasks can be completed as smoothly as possible
  • Help new staff understand how they fit into the wider LSE community
  • Support new staff to get the training and motivation they need to thrive within their roles

Professional services staff should refer to the New Starter Induction Guide and Checklist to make sure new starters know what to expect and what is expected of them.

Step one: Your responsibilities as a line manager


Talking to your student

Before your new starter joins

  • Complete an employee on-boarding form and send to the relevant HR Administrator immediately after the verbal offer. 
  • Send new starter information to Data and Technology Services (DTS) prior to the start date. 
  • Ensure the new starter demonstrates their right to work in the UK before, or no later then 9.30am on their first day of employment. 
  • Discuss with the new starter how blended working applies to their service area and role in accordance with the Blended Working Framework for Service Areas. 
  • Direct new starters to our Blended Working Training Programme for further guidance on working at LSE. 
  • For a full guide on PS staff, check out the Manager's Induction toolkit.

During the first week

After your new starter induction

  • Discuss options and expectations for your new starter's blended work style. Aim to come to an agreement based on business need and the personal preference of the new starter. 
  • Be mindful of equality considerations when looking at blended approaches and working functions in their team.
  • Signpost new starters to our FWOW guidance pages and training courses. 
  • Have regular check-ins reviewing how they find their blended work approach. 

Helpful induction resources

Take a look and signpost your new starter to these resources, policies and guidance to support them with understanding more about working at LSE and what it means to be part of our staff community:

New Starter Guide
LSE 2030
Staff Benefits
Staff Wellbeing
Effective Behaviours Framework
LSE Policies and Procedures
Blended Working Policy
Blended Working Framework