Events and developmental workshops

In 2023/24 the Eden Centre is running a series of events and workshops to support staff, share good practice and explore some of the questions, challenges and affordances posed by generative AI tools.

Upcoming workshops are linked below and we are also happy to work with colleagues to tailor and deliver any of these sessions in Departments. 

If you have any queries about any of the sessions, or would like to organise one in your Department, please contact

Putting students at the heart of Assessment Design in the genAI era

Tuesday 30 April (12-1.30pm)

To ensure the validity of our assessment tasks in the context of AI, we need to understand how AI can either hinder or facilitate the ways in which students demonstrate their learning in specific assessment scenarios. This workshop provides an opportunity for participants to evaluate their assessments from a student-centred perspective. They will gain insights into how students engage with formative assessment design and feedback, with a strong emphasis on effectively measuring the key aspects of learning in summative assessments.


Demystifying AI: an introduction to Microsoft CoPilot and other gen AI Tools

Monday 13 May (12-1.30pm) & Wednesday 5 June (2-3.30pm)

With Microsoft CoPilot having recently been made available for all LSE staff and students, this practical workshop explores the fast-moving world of generative AI. Staff will have the opportunity to experiment with Microsoft CoPilot and other popular generative AI tools in a supported sandbox environment. The workshop will look at potential uses across teaching, research and assessment. Participants can jump start their engagement with gen AI tools, build confidence with CoPilot and further explore this fast-moving aspect of the education landscape.

Other potential sessions that might be of interest to Departments include

  • Designing assessment across a programme
  • Delivering assessment transformation and empowering staff
  • AI in Marking and feedback

You can also see the sessions available on our Academic Development workshops page (under ''Teaching and assessment'). If you have any queries about any of the sessions (including the possible bespoke ones, above), please contact

You may also wish to explore the discussions which took place at our Winter Term Education Forum on generative AI and Education via our page here.