Academic Development workshops

Developing teaching, supporting learning




a unique place to exchange ideas and share experience with other scholars...
this forum fills that gap by allowing for open, sincere discussions about our teaching and how to make it better.


Our Academic Development workshops are a programme of events focused on developing teaching and supporting learning for academics and staff at the LSE.

Our 2023/24 programme of events falls under three broad categories:

  • Teaching and assessment including sessions on classroom dynamics and approaches, external examing, assessment enhancement, academic integrity and approaches to the issues raised by generative AI tools.
  • Learning communities including academic mentoring, fostering belonging, supervising students and supporting students through coaching approaches.
  • Communication and presentation skills including both one-to-one and group workshops on engaging students and developing your identity in the classroom.

The Eden Centre also hosts a series of events on Inclusive Education and Digital Futures.

Teaching and assessment

Week TitleDate Location
ST-4 External examiner professional development course Friday 24 May (9:15am-1pm) Zoom
ST-5 (re)Design summative assessment and feedback process and practice in face of AI Thursday 30 May (9.30-11am) Zoom
ST-6 (re)Design summative assessment and feedback process and practice in face of AI Friday 31 May (11.30am-1pm) Zoom
ST-7 Demystifying AI: an introduction to Microsoft CoPilot and other Gen AI Tools Wednesday 5 June (2-3.30pm) KSW.1.04
ST-7 (re)Design summative assessment and feedback process and practice in face of AI Friday 7 June (11.30am-1pm) Zoom
- (re)Design summative assessment and feedback process and practice in face of AI Thursday 13 June (9,30-11am) Zoom
- (re)Design summative assessment and feedback process and practice in face of AI Friday 14 June (11.30am-1pm) Zoom
- (re)Design summative assessment and feedback process and practice in face of AI Thursday 20 June (9.30-11am) Zoom
- (re)Design summative assessment and feedback process and practice in face of AI Friday 21 June (11.30am-1pm) Zoom

Learning communities

There are no more sessions scheduled for 2023/24.

Communication and presentation skills

For more details about our presenters, click here.

There are no more sessions scheduled for 2023/24.

For questions or further information, please email us at