LT 2022
Re-envisioning universities: learning and working spaces of the future
Thursday 10 February (1-2pm)
Dianna Fletcher, Liz Jarrett and Jon Rylance from award-winning ADP Architecture
An online discussion on the nature of university learning and workplaces in a post-pandemic world.
Our speakers will present future concepts of academic workplace, classrooms of the future, and the newly developed concept of ‘Third Space’ which can help universities to explore space types and facilities that answer the question: What do students and staff benefit from being physically present on a campus, and how can we create new spaces tailored to enhance that experience?
The session will also include opportunities for feedback and discussion on the nature of work and learning spaces, their size and location, and how university staff can assist architects and designers in developing those spaces.
MT 2021
Why Innovate? How can we support innovation in teaching practices within universities?
Monday 22 November (1-2pm)
Sarah Dyer, Professor in Human Geography and Director of Exeter Education Incubator at the University of Exeter