Eden Development Fellowships

The Eden Centre is committed ​to fostering excellence and innovation in social science education while ensuring that our work is underpinned by strong scholarly foundations.
The Eden Development Fellowship programme provides an exciting opportunity for LSE colleagues to develop and implement projects and contribute to the establishment of a culture of high-quality inclusive teaching, innovation and scholarship at the School.

What will I do as part of the Fellowship?

During your Fellowship, you will carry out a project based on an area of innovative teaching, scholarship or pedagogy and practice that you would like to explore in more depth. 

Applications are welcome on any subject. We welcome applications focusing on key priorities of LSE2030 Educate for Global Impact. Possible areas of interest may include: 

  • Research rich education
  • Inclusivity in the curriculum and in the classroom 
  • Digital innovation 
  • Assessment and feedback 
  • Learning and teaching in quantitative disciplines 
  • Embedding sustainability in the curriculum  
  • Learning communities
  • Academic mentoring

Fellows will become part of a growing community of practice of colleagues at LSE undertaking scholarly research and activity to investigate teaching and learning in higher education. Where appropriate they will be partnered with a member of the Academic Development team, the Eden Digital team, the Inclusive Education team or the Education Enhancement Projects team in the Eden Centre for consultation and guidance and/or education experts in the broader sector. They will also have the opportunity to discuss approaches to evaluation with the Eden Centre Evaluation Manager Jonathan Schulte. 

Eden Development Fellows will be expected to produce an output for the wider community:

  • An applied resource oriented towards practice development at LSE, and 
  • A resource with a more scholarly focus. 

These might include a teaching resource, an Eden event or workshop, a podcast, LSE HE Blog post, video, short research paper or journal article depending on the objectives of the project and subject to discussion with the Eden Centre. 

As you approach the end of your project, you will be expected to evaluate the project and work with the Eden Centre to disseminate the impact of your work.


Project funding

The £1500 honorarium award can form part of your own personal income or be directed towards research expenses.

Funds are awarded on a rolling basis.

How do I apply?

Please note: applications for Fellowships require the approval of your Head of Department. So please do contact them before beginning the application process.

Having received that approval, if you are interested, please do apply for the Fellowship using this short application form.

If you have any questions or would like to have an initial discussion before submitting an application, please contact Dr Claire Gordon (c.e.gordon@lse.ac.uk), Director, LSE Eden Centre.

Project short-listing criteria

The primary considerations will be:

  1. Potential value for education enhancement at LSE

  2. Feasibility

  3. Potential contribution to the development of your role as an ECT academic

  4. Scholarship contribution.

Information on past Fellowships awards

Since the pilot year (2021/22), 10 Eden Development Fellowships have been awarded:

  • Paul Apostolidis, Department of Government, Resources for Student Public Research Partnerships (2021/22) 
  • Ken Lee, Department of Accounting, Understanding student career aspirations to effectively develop curricular and extra-curricular content (2021/22) 
  • Dori Sallai, Department of Management, Learning and teaching through simulation in management (2021/22)  
  • Julio Amador Diaz Lopez, Data Science Institute, Computer aided marking of coursework containing open-ended questions (2021/22) 
  • Pik Liew, Department of Accounting, Computer-based exams: ‘quantitative-based’ and ‘quantitative-and-qualitative (mixed)’ exams (2021/22)
  • Jonathan Cardoso, Data Science Institute, Understanding Course Selection Pathways (2021/22) 
  • Fabrício Mendes Fialho, International Inequalities Institute, Power in numbers: Data literacy and decolonisation of quantitative methods for social change activists. (2022/23) 
  • Dori Sallai, Department of Management, AI Teaching in Change Management (2023/24) 
  • Anjana Bala, Department of Anthropology, Teaching Creativity (2023/24) 
  • Marcos Barreto, Department of Statistics, Understanding Pedagogical Approaches for Large Language Models (LLMs) in Programming Education (2023/24)