Education research and funding

the School will recognise and reward excellence and innovation in teaching and offer opportunities for academic staff to develop themselves and to create an educational offer for students that is ambitious, challenging and rewarding

LSE Education Strategy, Strategic Objective 1

The Eden Centre is the School’s centre for higher education research and expertise. As well as conducting our own research, we fund academic fellowships, co-lead the LSE Change Makers programme with the LSE SU and work with research assistants during the academic year to investigate different aspects of education and the student experience at LSE.  

Through the Eden Catalyst Fund we enable evidenced-based education development and innovation projects across LSE.

We also foster critical scholarly debate and investigation through the LSE Higher Education Blog and our Academic Development workshops programme. Colleagues on the PGCertHE have the opportunity to undertake an independent inquiry into pedagogic practice.   

Finally, the LSE Education Evaluation Framework enables colleagues across the School to undertake evaluative research to better understand the success and impact of their projects and initiatives.   

Please get in touch via if you have an idea you would like to explore. 

The Eden Catalyst Fund

The Eden Catalyst Fund supports evidence-based education enhancement and innovation projects for up to £10,000. We support initiatives which contribute to the development and delivery of education enhancement activities at the School. Find out more here


Fellowships for LSE staff

Below you can access information about different types of Fellowship available to LSE academics. They are:

Eden Fellows HEA scheme

SOTL Fellowships

Inclusive Education Action Plan Fellowships focussed on Decolonising

Eden Development Fellowships

Undergraduate research internships

The Eden Centre had funding available to employ undergraduate students as research interns or assistants during the academic year 2023/4. Find out more here

Education for Sustainability Student Internships

The Eden Centre had funding available to employ both undergraduate and postgraduate students as research interns or assistants during the academic year 2023/24. 

This is intended to support LSE Academics’ commitment towards education for sustainability, but also to offer students different experiences such as insights into how to embed education for sustainability in the existing curriculum; support curriculum enhancement, participate in course design and research skills development.

Applications are not currently open, the most recent round having closed at the end of January 2023. 

For more information, visit our Education for Sustainability Student Internships page.

Education research and analysis

On this page, you can find data analysis, summaries, reports and other informative documents on education at LSE.

Explore the Education analysis page here.

LSE Education Evaluation Framework and Open Evaluation Fund

Are you working with students at LSE, supporting their education or student experience? Are you interested in learning more about your work and its impact? Then the LSE Education Evaluation Framework and Open Evaluation Fund might be perfect for you. 

Recognising the need for critical reflection as part of education work, LSE has developed the ‘Education Evaluation Framework’. Containing resources to help you develop an evaluation approach, a dedicated support team and the Open Evaluation Fund, the framework contains a lot of resources that can help you develop an evaluative research project. 

To find out more, visit our website here or get in touch with Education Evaluation Manager, Jonathan Schulte

LSE Scholars at Risk

LSE Scholars at Risk (LSE SAR) is a School-wide, centrally funded initiative to support scholars at risk by enabling them to be hosted at LSE in a visiting fellow or senior visiting fellow status for a maximum period of two years.

For more details, visit the LSE Scholars at Risk page.