LSE Scholars at Risk

LSE has a long history of protecting scholars against persecution. The school is a member of the Scholars at Risk Network, an international network of universities and colleges that defends the human rights of persecuted scholars worldwide

LSE Scholars at Risk (LSE SAR) is a School-wide, centrally funded initiative to support scholars at risk by enabling them to be hosted at LSE in a visiting fellow or senior visiting fellow status for a maximum period of two years. The visitor status comes without an employment contract, but the School is open to financially assisting hosted fellows through arrangements with external partners. LSE is hugely grateful to the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity (AFSEE) for their financial contributions and ongoing support for these fellowships at LSE. 

For the purpose of the scheme, a “scholar at risk” is a scholar who faces or has recently fled from an immediate, targeted threat to their life and/or career in their home country or country of residence. The School is open to hosting candidates with a strong academic or research core at various stages of their career. In order to be granted a place as a hosted scholar at LSE, a person would need to satisfy the usual criteria of academic merit applied to all LSE visiting fellows/senior fellows.

For the purpose of implementing the scheme, LSE partners with and is open to receiving applications from the Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara), the Institute of International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF), the Open Society University Network - Threatened Scholars Integration Initiative (TSI-OSUN) and other relevant organisations. Applications from individual persons are welcome, but those contacting LSE directly may be referred to these organisations.

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Further information about support available at LSE for all students and staff affected by global issues is available on our Support at LSE page.