Support at LSE

Updated September 2024

LSE knows that ongoing situations across the world continue to impact staff and students, and are a cause of deep concern for many across our School community. This includes the violence, humanitarian emergency and terrible loss of life in the Middle East, as well as other global crises. We recognise this could be an extremely worrying time for many, and especially for those who are concerned for loved ones that may be in direct danger or difficult situations.

As a global community, LSE recognises that ongoing events, whether across the world or in the UK, can have a distressing and profound impact for our students and staff and that their effects can be far reaching, no matter where or when they take place. Whether related to concern for peers, personal connections, or research and work in the area, we encourage anyone feeling worried or affected to reach out for support and explore the resources below that are here to help you, and all at LSE.  

In any crisis, our immediate priority is the wellbeing and safety of individuals at LSE who could be affected. Below, you’ll find a list of the sources of support for students and staff – please do reach out if you need to talk to someone about your personal situation or if you’re worried about others. This assistance is available to everyone at LSE, whenever you need it. 

Below, you can find more information about the support available at LSE, and our commitments to ensuring our School is an inclusive and safe environment for all in our community. 

Our School values and responsibilities

As an institution, LSE is absolutely committed to equity, diversity and inclusion for all members of our community. We have clear codes of conduct as outlined in our Ethics Code which sets out the values all of us have a duty to uphold.

This includes treating all people with equal dignity and respect, ensuring that no one will be treated less favourably because of – among other things – their gender, ethnicity and race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or social and economic background. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.

We have robust measures in place to deal promptly and fairly with concerns. Anyone can report using our anonymous Report it. Stop it. tool. Other sources of support, including wellbeing resources and support, are listed below.

The international diversity of our institution is a source of great strength, and as a School we are stronger when we come together as a community. We all play a part in ensuring LSE is an inclusive, accessible and safe environment for all.

Overview of support at LSE 

Whatever your situation, and whatever connections you have across the world, there is always guidance and assistance available to you and all at LSE facing difficulties or distress. Please do reach out if you need to talk to someone about your personal situation or if you’re worried about others.

Our commitment to our community is to support all affected by global issues, no matter where and when they take place.

Support for students

Support for staff

Support for all

  • Safe Contacts
    Safe Contacts are here to help you find the right support and next steps, in a confidential space
  • Report it. Stop it.
    You can also use our Report it. Stop it. tool to anonymously report sexual violence, bullying or harassment
  • Faith Centre
    The Faith Centre offers a space for prayer, worship and reflection for all.

External support

There are lots of organisations that can support you, outside of LSE. Read our guide on sources of external support. The guide includes support for areas including ethnicity, religion/faith, hate crime, mental health and disability related support. 

Providing aid in crisis

LSE will continue to offer direct support to those in our community, and explore additional ways to assist. The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) is an umbrella group of charities who are experts in humanitarian aid and specialise in different areas of disaster response. If you wish to offer aid or support, visit their website for information on how to help.  

Supporting research, scholars and students in crisis

LSE Scholars at Risk (LSE SAR) is a School-wide, centrally funded initiative to support scholars at risk by enabling them to be hosted at LSE in a visiting fellow or senior visiting fellow status for a maximum period of two years. The visitor status comes without an employment contract, but the School is open to financially assisting hosted fellows through arrangements with external partners.

In addition to scholars, LSE provides support and guidance for refugees, forced migrants and displaced students who are looking to study at the School and throughout their time with us. Find out more online

Researchers can visit our Urgency Grant Scheme, which aims to fund world-class research activities by LSE academic, research and policy staff for unexpected and transient opportunities brought about by unpredictable, discrete and abrupt events such as pandemics, conflicts, environmental impacts and sudden policy change.