Business Travel

Information and advice on booking hotels, air and rail travel at LSE

 Help make business travel at LSE safer, more sustainable, and cost effective


Need for travel

Business travel is costly, time consuming for individuals, and creates negative environmental impacts. Always consider if you can avoid travelling and use digital alternatives instead.

Reducing business travel and in particular air travel is key for the School to meet its carbon targets. If travel is absolutely necessary, pick the most sustainable option, such as choosing rail over air travel or using economy class if you need to fly.

Am I safe to travel?

All staff and students must complete the Travel Notification Form prior to travel, to help the School protect their safety and to ensure you are covered by the School’s travel insurance policy.

Further guidance on the risk assessment and approval process for staff and students planning travel and fieldwork can be found on the Overseas travel homepage

Booking travel and accommodation

Visit our LSE Travel page for full details of how to book your travel online or through an agent. 

LSE travel

Other business expenses

Claims may be submitted for expenses incurred for business travel, supported by receipts or other evidence where it was not possible to use the contracted supplier. Please consult the Travel, Subsistence and Personal Expenses Policy for full details.

Reducing the environmental impact of business travel

Staff are encouraged to actively consider alternatives to travel to reduce their environmental impacts, and if travel is necessary to consider low carbon methods.

Simple steps to reduce the impact of business travel include:

  • Attending and organising meetings and events online.
  • Taking public transport instead of taxis.
  • Traveling by rail instead of air.
  • Flying economy rather than premium economy or business class.

Further resources

·         Overseas travel: important Health and Safety information  


·         Digital Smart LSE: Making the most of technology to reduce business travel