How to complete your end of year Career Development Review in June / July

As part of your ongoing learning and development at LSE, we encourage all staff and managers to meet in June / July to have your end of year Career Development Review (CDR).  

Your end of year review looks back on what has been achieved over the past year and any development activities which have supported you in achieving your objectives.  

Below are some steps to guide you through what’s expected for your end of year CDR. Your objective setting meeting for the coming academic year may take place later in the year. Regardless of this, this meeting should look back on achievements across the current academic year. 

staff at a laptop


Instructions for all staff

Complete the end of year sections of your CDR form one week before your scheduled end of year CDR. In this word document you’ll reflect on your progress against your objectives and any training undertaken during the year. 

2. Share the form with your line manager at least a week before your end of year meeting. This document will form the basis of your discussion on your progress, learning and development and future goals 

3. Make notes during your meeting on the progress you’ve made this year as discussed by you and your manager. 

4. Finalise the document and send it to your manager for them to add their comments to the section at the end.

5. Once it's ready, simply upload it to MyView using the End of year CDR option in the left-hand menu.

6. Once uploaded, you can view your form by using the my submissions tab and completing the date fields with the relevant date you submitted your form and the other fields as in the picture below. The please click search and the uploaded document will appear below the fields. 

EOY CDR form view


staff handshake


Instructions for managers 

1. Set up CDRs with members of your team with at least 2 weeks’ notice

2. Review their CDR form once they have sent it to you and make notes on their objectives, progress and personal development from the past year in advance of your meeting. 

3. During your meeting, you and your team member will review their objectives and progress

4. Once they have finalised their CDR document, they will share it with you to add comments to the section at the end. Please add any comments and return the document for them to upload in MyView.

Once submitted, you can view all of your team's documents by following the steps in this guide

Objectives for the next CDR cycle

At the end of this year's CDR cycle, you can start thinking ahead to your objectives for next year. Your manager will put in an objectives setting meeting for a date after your end of year review to discuss your objectives for the next academic year. In the meantime, you can start planning and shaping your objectives and your development plan. You can use the CDR form for your objective setting and keep this form as a year-long, living document, shared with your manager. 

We've also provided guidance on how to set objectives. 

If you need support or have questions about the end of year review process for Career Development Reviews, please contact or visit the CDR toolkit webpages