What's new with CDRs for 2023/24?

Over the course of 2023, we asked you what would make the CDR process more effective and meaningful for you.

Simplified forms with clearer guidance

A lot of you told us that having to balance three different forms for objectives, development and end of year review was frustrating.

So, we have combined all of these into one form, making life easier for everyone. Of course, you may have already set your objectives on the old form, and that is fine, the objectives form doesn’t need to be uploaded to MyView and you don’t need to change anything you’ve already done. Going forward however, you'll find that everything can be recorded, shared and uploaded on the one form. You can find the form here. You can also find a version with an example objectives, guidance on completing the form and embedded videos to walk you through the process. 

Consolidated version of the process 

Secondly, some of you told us how the existing CDR process really didn't work for your role. So we've worked with key stakeholders across the School to add a consolidated verison of the process. You can find out more about this here.

The consolidated version of the process is less complex and has fewer touch points across the year. You can agree with your manager whether you will use the standard or consolidated version of the process. The consolidated process will generally be more relevant to those whose objectives or standards are less variable throughout the year and across CDR cycles. 

Supportive eLearning for managers

Lastly, those of you who are PS people managers told us that you wanted more support in how to make the CDR process more effective and meaningful for your teams. So we’ve also developed an eLearning course for all PS staff people managers, to help you understand the process, get the best out of it and ensure it is a valuable and meaningful process for your team members. It’s a modular course that you can dip in and out of and that will take around 70 – 90 minutes to complete in total. It goes through how to hold supportive 1-2-1s, how to have development conversations and how to set objectives and hold review meetings, as well as outlining everything you need to do across the year to maximise the value of the CDR process. The course is laid out chronologically. So if you can't remember the process for objective setting, you can do the relevant module as you need to at that time of year. You can find the course on the Astute platform

We are sure that these updates to the process and the course for managers, will help make the 2023-24 CDR cycle more meaningful and valuable to all PS staff across LSE.

If you have any questions about CDRs, the new processes, the eLearning course or anything else, do get in touch with Organisational Learning at hr.learning@lse.ac.uk .