What's new in OL

What's new in Organisational Learning for Winter Term 2025? 

  • Team development 
  • Refreshed new starter induction
  • LEAP programme for aspiring leaders

Things you may have missed in 2024

Read on for more details

Team development 

Do you manage and lead a team? Organisational Learning are here to support you in leading and developing your team. We can help you with:

  • Understanding the strengths and development areas of your team, so as to leverage the strengths and take action around areas for development
  • Conducting a team diagnostic of what is and isn’t working for your team and map out a plan of action based on this
  • Understand where your team is at as a collective and look at how to build on this and develop going forward
  • Set clear expectations and agree ways of working
  • Conduct a psychometric assessment with the team to understand what motivates, energises and deenergises your team.
  • A combination of all of the above

This is an offer open to all teams. It's designed to support you in maxmising the potential of your team and your own leadership. It's about undertsanding how you can make the environment for your team members more authentic, empowering and tailored to the team's needs.

If you would like us to run a psychometric assessment for your team, or a team diagnostic and development report, please do get in contact at hr.learning@lse.ac.uk . We can then talk you through the options we have available and what’s right for you and your team.

Refreshed new starter induction

We’re sure you’ll all be aware of the Flying Start Induction event we run every month. As of the beginning of September 2024, this has been updated in response to attendee feedback and now runs as a 3.5-hour event with revised content and opportunities for networking. 

What you might not be aware of, however, is what we have added to the new starter learning journey, to support PS staff joining LSE.

As of September 2024, new starter PS staff will also have available:

  • A new starter hub, giving them one place to go to find out the essentials. This includes a brief overview of LSE and the HE sector and links to all of the resources that answer the questions that new starters might have in their first weeks and months.
  •  A new starter network that will give anyone joining LSE the opportunity to network with fellow new starters and orient themselves into the School. The network will also include regular fireside chat events with leaders from across LSE, where new staff can find out more about LSE and the experiences of those that work here. Additionally, the network will include a buddying system, where new staff can be supported by an existing staff member in their first few months, to further support their navigation into LSE. 
  •  For anyone joining LSE in a people management role, we’ve also developed a two-hour Flying Start Manager's Induction, where new people managers can get the essentials of what it means to be a people manager at LSE and the School’s expectations of them.

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LEAP: Leadership Essentials for Aspiring Leaders Programme

This programme is for anyone at band 6 or below who is looking to better understand what it means to be a leader. The programme will develop skills that will support individuals in understanding how leadership weaves into their role now, their future career and personal aspirations and what it means to be a leader at LSE.

The programme consists of one full day and three half day face-to-face modules over four months, with some self-study required before each module. Participants will also conduct and receive feedback on their own leadership skills review as part of the programme.

The programme covers

  • The distinction between Leadership and Management, Showing leadership in your current role, The key concepts of leadership, Your space as an authentic leader
  • Finding yourself as a leader, Understanding your strengths and values, Envisioning the leader you want to be and how to get there
  • Inclusive leadership and you, Emotional intelligence and leadership, Essential people skills for leadership (coaching, influencing etc.)
  • Introduction to leading teams and team dynamics, Leadership at LSE, Self-development planning and personal goal setting, Recognising and overcoming imposter syndrome, Career development and ongoing professional development.

Please note that the next cohort will be in the 2025/26 academic year. 

For more information, please download the programme overview or contact us at hr.learning@lse.ac.uk