Your Wellbeing during Autumn Term

activities to support, enhance and boost your wellbeing in Michaelmas Term

To help give your wellbeing a bit of a leap forward this Autumn Term, we've gathered together many of the most current wellbeing resources and activities on one webpage. Whether it’s taking advantage of fitness options on campus with the SU Gym, joining an online fitness class, accessing mental wellbeing support or catching up on recordings from previous wellbeing sessions – we're confident that there's something here for you. 

More activities will be added throughout the Term, so keep an eye out on the webpage, in Staff News and in LSE Tree for further developments. Beyond wellbeing, you might also find the new Staff Benefits webpage of interest, which shows at a glance the many perks you can access as a member of the staff community. 

Know how to access mental health (and other wellbeing) support

As we continue to adapt to new ways of working, it's important that we know how to access support, wherever we're working. 

The School has an in-house counselling team for both staff and students that allows you to discuss a problem or situation that is causing concern, or distress that is taking place at work or home. Counselling at LSE is fully inclusive; individuals should feel comfortable approaching staff counsellors regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and religious faith. For more details, see the Staff Counselling webpage

Alternatively, you may prefer to access confidential telephone counselling courtesy of the Employee Assistance Programme. The EAP aims to provide staff with access to confidential support on all aspects of wellbeing, including counselling, health information, legal advice, signposting to useful resources concerning personal finance and other matters that impact on individual wellbeing, and more.

You can contact the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) by calling 0800 107 6147 (quoting LSE as the name of your employer) or access the online portal by visiting (entering code 206011 as your username and password). There's no limit to the number of calls you can make and your anonymity is assured at all times. 

Sign up for an LSE Extras account and start saving 

It only takes a moment to sign up to LSE Extras - the School's benefits platform for staff – just click here to get started. Access a huge range of discounts (including groceries and holidays), and see all your LSE perks at a glance!

You can create an account on LSE Extras using your name as it's recorded in our system and your payroll number. If you aren't quite sure what your payroll number is, you can find it on your payslip – alternatively, you can find out by logging into MyView and selecting 'Account' followed by 'View my details'. 

If you experience any issues with creating an account, try using your payroll number but without the initial '0'. If it's still not working, just contact and we'll be happy to help.

For more details about LSE Extras - including a walk-through video and information about upcoming offers - take a look at the new LSE Extras information webpage

Check out the new financial awareness webinars

Financial awareness webinars have previously covered a range of important topics, including the cost of living crisis, financial planning, planning for a secure financial future, and more. You can now book a place on one of the new 'Financial Freedom' sessions in 2024 - just visit the Financial Wellbeing webpage for full details, including links to book. 

Sign up for Stretch and Tone - your online fitness boost this June and July! 

If you've previously joined (or been interested in) the online Body Balance or Body Conditioning classes, you might be interested in the 'Stretch and Tone' sessions that were run successfully during Autumn Term with the same trainer. Hot off the press, we have new classes arranged to take us all the way into spring - just click on the link below for dates!

Stretch & Tone is a 45 minute weekly class that is slow moving yet challenging a class designed to improve strength, posture, flexibility and all over fitness. A class that focuses on both mind and body, leaving you feeling strong, flexible and invigorated. Sounds good? Just click on the link below to see the available dates and to book your spot. 

Click here to book your place


We recommend that you have the following to hand when you join a class:

  • Yoga mat (though not essential)
  • Water
  • Towel

After you've signed up, a Zoom link to join will be sent to you on the morning of the date of the class. Just let us know at if you have any questions or experience any difficulties in booking a place for a class. Do let us know if a particular class is showing as 'Full' because we may be able to fit you in. 

Explore fitness facilities on campus via the SU Gym

Did you know that, as an LSE member of staff, you can access LSESU sports and exercise facilities in the Saw Swee Hock and Marshall buildings, courtesy of LSESU Level Up Fitness? Just visit the webpage to find out more.

To promote the SU Gym to staff as a fitness option when we’re on campus, the SU Gym have generously provided a number of guest passes for staff – each pass will entitle you to a completely free visit to the SU Gym! To collect your guest pass, please come to HR Reception on the 5th floor of the Lionel Robbins Building.

What’s more, the SU Gym are now offering a special discount to staff – if you buy a bundle of 10 passes, you can now get a 10% discount via the SU Gym webpage! Passes are a little more flexible than a monthly membership, so this may be an especially attractive option if you’re only on campus for some of the week.

For more about how you can keep on top of your fitness, including discounted gym memberships with Fitness First and preferential rates at Boom Cycle and KOBOX, see the physical wellbeing webpage.

Free Boom Cycle rides every Saturday

If you’re in the mood for some more cycling, you might be interested to learn that Boom Cycle are offering free rides! To make their classes more accessible, you can join a free class at 11.30am every Saturday at Holborn, courtesy of the Boom Cycle Community Ride – just click here to find out more details, including how to book. If you have any questions about how to book, please contact the Boom Cycle team directly at

If all this talk of cycling is making you think of taking it up more often, you may wish to take a look at the School’s cycle to work scheme – save money on the cost of a bike, get fit and help the environment, all at the same time!

Revisit the nutrition workshops for better work wellbeing

While we may feel that we know the basics about good nutrition, it can be challenging to put this into practice during the working day, especially when we’re alternating between campus and home environments. With that in mind, the London Nutritionist previously ran two online workshops for LSE staff. As well as covering general good practice when it comes to eating and drinking, the workshops also addressed how we can build better nutrition into the working day, whether we’re on or off campus.

Food & Mood: This session took a deeper look into how what we eat can affect we feel mentally, just as how we feel has a large influence on what foods we choose. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls and to get the right nutrients throughout the working day. Please click here to access the recording from the session. 

Keeping Energised: Learn how to avoid the 4 o’clock slump! What and when we eat has a huge effect on our physical and mental energy levels. This session gave participants a guided tour of the best (and worst) foods for keeping energised during the working day. Please click here to access the recording from the session. 

Access recordings from the Thrive webinars with Dr Aarti Anhal

As many of us adapt to new ways of working, we’re working out – both individually and in teams – how we can thrive in our wellbeing, personal resilience and performance going forward. With this in mind, you may find the recordings from two specially developed webinars - on Stress management and Unlocking motivation - useful.

Led by Dr Aarti Anhal, the Thrive webinars explored:

  • The links between stress, wellbeing and optimal performance,
  • Practical frameworks and coping strategies for managing stress at work
  • Risk-based approaches to mitigating stress in teams
  • Thoughts about how the meaning of work may have changed in our lives as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Practical strategies for wellbeing and performance goals that can boost motivation
  • Ways in which managers can create the conditions within teams for staff to feel motivated and engaged

Just click on the links below to access the recordings:

Stress Management - click here to access the recording from the session

Unlocking Motivation - click here to access the recording from the session

Develop a better sleep routine with the Sleep Coach

It might not be surprising to learn that sleep and wellbeing are linked. Many of us can experience difficulties getting enough quality sleep. Niggling worries can lead to a negative spiral in which anxiety and poor sleep exacerbate each other.

If this sounds familiar, or if you're just looking to enhance your sleep routine, these recordings from previous workshops led by Dr Sophie Bostock ('The Sleep Coach') may well be helpful. Just click on the links below to access the recordings, which cover different sleep-related topics. Each recording lasts approximately 1 hour, although of course you are welcome to pause a recording at any point and work through the content at your own pace. 

Fighting Fatigue

This session, which was held in June 2023, will provide you with proven strategies for managing your energy when time is short. 

Please click here to access the recording.

You can also access a handout from the session by clicking here

Sleeping with Anxiety

This session from May 2023 explores the ways in which sleep and mental health are linked, and how you can improve both.

Please click here to access the slides from the session. You may also find this 'Action Stations' document useful, which provides practical tips and coping strategies. 

Supercharge Your Sleep Series (Part 1 of 2) 

In the first of this two-part series, Dr Sophie Bostock looks at how sleep actually works, as well as how to put into practice healthy sleep habits that stick. 

Please click here to access the recording.  

Supercharge Your Sleep Series (Part 2 of 2)

The second part of the 'Supercharge Your Sleep' Series looks at how you can solve stubborn sleep challenges.

Please click here to access the recording. 

Join an 'Explore London' walk for a more active lunchtime

After a successful return during 2023, 'Explore London' walks are back! If you're curious about what's near our campus, or are just looking to get away from your desk at lunchtime, join us for an hour. We aim for a variety of routes so that there's something for everyone - whether it's exploring the labyrinthine area of the law courts, finding some of the many churches and historic sites either side of Fleet Street, or taking a route through storied Bloomsbury. 

You'll see walks advertised in advance in Staff News as well as on LSE Tree. The next walk will be on Wednesday 15 May, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week -  no need to sign up, just meet at the main Library entrance (John Watkins Plaza) for a prompt 1pm departure. As you'd expect, please wear sensible shoes and weather-appropriate clothing. 

We are also always keen to receive your suggestions for where we might walk next, so please do get in touch at if there are any particular routes close to campus that you'd like us to try. 

Unwind with a morning Yoga class

If you're looking for a way to stretch, relax and recharge before starting your working day, keep an eye out for new morning yoga sessions in Winter Term! Each 60-minute yoga session will be led by Yoga expert Gaetano Piccirillo, and all levels of experience are welcome. 

New classes have been announced for 2024 - just click on the link below to see available dates and to book your place(s)!

Click here to book your place

This class is ideal for those wanting to explore Yoga at a gentle pace and all levels of experience are welcome. All you need to bring with you is water and a towel – you are also welcome to bring your own Yoga mat with you if you have one, although mats will also be available. 

All classes will take place from 8.30-9.30am in the Desert Room of the Faith Centre, which you can find on the 2nd floor of Saw Swee Hock. 

Access toolkits and guidance on key topics

Guidance and toolkits have been developed to cover a range of different topics. These resources often include guidance for line managers, case studies of colleagues around the School, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and more. Just click on the following links to find out more: 

Please do take the time to explore the guidance that's out there. Even if a particular topic isn't directly relevant to your own situation, it might help you to understand enough to support someone else, inside or outside LSE. 


Please contact if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the activities listed here.