Stress Risk Assessment Template

where possible, identify and address potential stressors at an early stage

Stress - including stress which may be work-related - can have many sources and can (if not successfully managed) lead to burnout. It's therefore important that staff and managers feel supported and empowered so that potential stressors can be identified and (where possible) addressed at an early stage. 

The Stress Risk Assessment is a part of LSE's duty of care towards staff - specifically, the School's responsibility to have in place measures that can mitigate work-related factors that could be having a negative impact on someone's stress levels or other aspects of their wellbeing. 

Please click here to download a copy of the Stress Risk Assessment template. 


What other resources are available for managers? 

The Stress Risk Assessment is one tool which managers may find helpful. Managers should also be aware of, and should signpost employees to as appropriate, the Staff Counselling Services and Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), among other LSE resources. 

LSE offers training to help managers better identify and manage wellbeing issues (including stress) in their team(s), where possible at an early stage. More details are available on the HR Organisational Learning webpage or via the Training and Development (TDS) system.

If you're a manager, you can help by being aware of particular work peaks and encouraging a regular feedback culture from staff through one-to-ones and regular catch-ups. Where workloads are identified as a contributing factor to stress and other wellbeing issues, you should be mindful of how measures to address this may impact on others – in particular, redistributing work may simply move the problem elsewhere rather than address the underlying causes. Of course, you are also encouraged to discuss these matters with your HR Partner as and when required.