This section attempts to collate links to documents that might be useful, informative, or relevant to business continuity within LSE. It includes the School's IT disaster recovery plan, its major incident recovery plans, what documents you might need to provide if you are submitting a grant, and the Fieldwork Policy amongst others. If you are looking for something but cannot find it here, then please let us know.
Academic unit responsibilities - during a major incident (PDF)
Alternative Accommodation Plan
Battle bag: standard contents (PDF)
Business Continuity at the LSE - (PDF). A quick introduction (taken from the new staff induction programme)
Business Continuity governance (PDF)
Business Continuity Compliance Cycle at the LSE (PDF)
Business Continuity Planning - things to consider (PDF)
LSE Business Continuity Policy (PDF)
2018 Business Critical Calendar: (restricted access for staff only) containing the calendar of critical events for 2018.
Data protection at the LSE - web link
Data Management - see 'Records Management' below in this section.
Fieldwork policy - web link. See 'off campus activities' section of LSE Health & Safety webpage.
Major Incidient Initial Response Plan (MIIRP) (PDF)
What to do in an emergency - staff leaflet (PDF)
Submitting a grant? You may be asked for the following documents:
- Major Incident Initial Recovery Plan (MIIRP) (PDF)
- IT Disaster recovery plan
- Alternative accommodation plan
Health and Safety at the LSE
Information Security policies and guidelines - web link. For use of IT based data.
Guidance on safe computing: web link
IT Disaster Recovery Plan
Lessons Learnt report: see 'Templates' in this section.
Major Incident Initial Recovery Plan (MIIRP) (PDF)
LSE Notifiable Diseases Plan 2019 for staff and students (PDF)
Policies and procedures - web links to other LSE policies and procedures
Records management in the LSE - web link. Guidance on storage of data, both hard copy and electronic and the LSE Records Management Policy.
School committees calendar - web link. Meetings and committees
Severe weather and disruption to transport plan (PDF)
What to do in an emergency - staff guidance (PDF)
Templates and blank forms:
The templates below are intended as guidance and are not prescriptive. You can alter any of these forms to suit your own area's needs, or take out only the elements that you need. If you have a template you wish to submit for consideration please send it to Veronique Mizgailo.
Local business continuity plan 2013 (Doc). This template includes: