LSE Blogs team

LSE Blogs have grown into one of the world’s primary digital knowledge exchange platforms for academics, students, policymakers and journalists. Contributions from think-tank researchers, politicians and third-sector experts across the world provide evidence-based commentary and accessible summaries of academic research. At LSE we also use blogs for student engagement and teaching, where our teams are recognised for the early adoption of digital platforms. 

Every month we publish hundreds of articles across a range of disciplines and geographies. More than 100,000 unique users read LSE Blogs every week. 

While LSE Blogs features more than 42 individual blog sites, some of LSE's most high-profile blogs sit within the central team in the Communications Division with dedicated editors. 

British Politics and Policy

British Politics and Policy is a multidisciplinary academic blog whose aim is to increase the public understanding of British politics and policy by providing accessible academic commentary and research. We have no editorial ‘line’ beyond a commitment to communicating social science research and commentary in ways that enhance public debate and understanding.

LSE Business Review

LSE Business Review shares the best of modern social science ideas, theories and evidence for business decision-makers and professionals, creating a dialogue between the private sector and academia. Our focus is topical, tackling the issues of today with direct and clear writing for a global audience.

European Politics and Policy (EUROPP)

European Politics and Policy is a multidisciplinary academic blog whose aim is to increase public understanding of European politics and policy by providing accessible academic commentary and research. We have a commitment to enhancing public debate among social scientists, policymakers and media, presenting the latest issues and challenges on the continent.

LSE Impact Blog

The LSE Impact Blog is a hub for researchers, librarians, students, think tanks, policymakers and higher education professionals interested in maximising the impact of academic work in the social sciences and other disciplines. The blog aims to encourage debate, share best practice and keep the impact community up to date with the latest developments, analysis and research. 

LSE Review of Books

LSE Review of Books is an award-winning review site for books across the social sciences. The blog aims to facilitate the sharing and exchange of knowledge between experts within and outside of the academy, and to open up academic research to increase its impact. We do this by accessibly presenting critiques and responses to the latest academic books for a wide public audience.


The LSE blogs teams also leads a community of practice for blog editors across the School.

Contact the team at

Alternatively, contact a team member:

Laurence Radford
Senior Managing Editor (LSE Blogs)

Alexis Papazoglou
Managing Editor, LSE British Politics and Policy 

Helena Vieira
Managing Editor, LSE Business Review

Stuart Brown 
Managing Editor, LSE EUROPP

Michael Taster
Managing Editor, LSE Impact Blog

Anna D'Alton
Managing Editor, LSE Review of Books